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Everything posted by bulldogrider

  1. Thanks for your reply, I bought a device off Amazon called docooler it’s really nice and fair price, I tried to hook it to where the plug switch mounted on the door it works fine when the switch is unplugged but when I plugged it it caused a short out and blew the protection fuse. If I can find where the central door module is located I can hook it up there and I’m sure it will work but let me tell you the wires and harnesses on this truck is just a rat nest.
  2. Anyone guys, please!!!
  3. Are you still looking for the diagram?
  4. have 2015 Mack cxu pinnacle with power door lock, I’m trying to install aftermarket keyless remote, does anyone know where and how I should hook it up. I googled it but there is zero information. any help would be much appreciated.
  5. That’s what I thought I will try it and let you know. If it’s running through ecm I should be able to reprogram it with tech tool, just a thought.
  6. True, but I’m trying to save some cost and work since that air line is already there.
  7. Come on anyone guys
  8. I bought myself a 2015 cxu highway tractor day cab then I took the 5th wheel off and converted the truck to a gravel truck with a dump box, I used the 5th wheel air line to operate the tailgate everything went as planned, the only problem I have that when I need to spread a load of gravel I raise the box half way up and I start rolling the truck before I open the tailgate but the 5th wheel switch on the dash won’t operate the tailgate in moving mode it’s the way it’s designed for the 5th wheel. My question is there anyway the make it operate In moving mode, although when the truck is stopped it opens but soon I start moving it closes automatically any help is much appreciated.
  9. I’m looking for owner manual for 2015 cxu pinnacle Mack truck I’m wondering if someone out there has it and willing to share. Thank you.
  10. I'm uploading a picture of the 4 pressure switches.
  11. I'm uploading a picture of the 4 pressure switches.
  12. Thank you Brad for the response, I looked above the brake pedal there is at least 3 of them.Which one you think I should check? Thank you.
  13. I have a 93 ch 613 since 2002, never ever when I apply parking brake the light shows on the dash, this morning out of no where I applied the parking brake and I was surprised to see the light goes on the dash. However tried it a few times and it kept working, then after I got loaded and went to the dump the light isn't working any more. Now I'm interested in fixing it but I don't now where to start, anybody can help me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.
  14. I'm looking for the fuse panel diagram that shows whish fuse for what, the truck is 1993 mack ch613.
  15. I'm buying a truck has a c-15 cat engine 475hp with 1 million kms, i'm planning to put a gravel box on it, my question is how long this truck will run before i have to re-build it? or since the construction season is almost over should i re-build it in the winter and get it ready for another million kms? i live on the other side of montana border in canada and the mechanics here a so greedy and i was told on the USA side it is way cheaper to re-build the engine. tell me what you guys think and what do you suggest? thank
  16. i'm looking to buy 2 truck tractors either T800 kenworth or western star 4900 or 4964, year between 2003 and 2008, they must be heavy specs, wheel base ranges from 190" to 210", prefer day cab, removable sleepers are ok if its the right truck, outside breathers is a bonus. engine make is not an issue as long as it has some power(450 hp and up). please reply with what you may have and w'll make arrangment. thanks for reading this.
  17. It's 1993 ch613, engine oil cooler, and the tranny is Mack 18 speed.
  18. i been driving it since april 10 2012, truck dont work hard just city work, how bad can it be? is it too late to fix?
  19. i'm buying this ch613 gravel truck, the truck has an 18 speed tranny which only drives on low gears, and the guy told me that the oil cooler has to be replaced, so you guys think it is worth it the headaches buying it, is the tranny has to be replaced or is it repairable. the truck worth easy $30k when it is running, i'm only paying now $10k. give me your oppinions. thanks.
  20. i notice a hissing in the engine, it turned out the head is loosing compression which i can easly feel it coming out between the 2 heads, no leaks, no mixing coolant or oil, not loosing any coolant, i keep an eye on it seems to be ok. been like this for 2.5 months just wondering how long i can drive the truck for, its e-7 mack heads are done 5 years ago by dealer, i only drive in city its a dump truck and very easy work truck dont pull nothing behind and dont work hard.
  21. Anyone knows what the heads torque settings should be on 1993 e7 engine. Thanks.
  22. I have the same truck year and model and it was doing the same thing and after few days it lost all the power after a month in Mack dealer shop and calling back and forth the manufacture engineeries and replacing injectors and fuel pumps twice oil pump it turned out a piece of wire goes into the harness from the Computer to fuel pump was cooked and it was only giving certain amount of amps barely to start the truck. If this is your case try it out btw my truck was smoking white like hell. Good luck
  23. I noticed when the truck is cold they don't come on and I noticed only the engine oil tem gauge gets to about 150F the lights come on. I don't know how to read codes and what do I need to read them, it's a 1993 ch613 mack. And by the way soon the truck cools down the lights go off any help will be appreciated.
  24. I noticed when the truck is cold they don't come on and I noticed only the engine oil tem gauge gets to about 150F the lights come on. I don't know how to read codes and what do I need to read them, it's a 1993 ch613 mack. And by the way soon the truck cools down the lights go off any help will be appreciated.
  25. thanks Gregg for your reply i been waiting patiently for a reply from someone, your suggestion makes sence as i said i have this truck for 8 years now and probably the hubs are worn out, i checked this website out: http://www.tru-bal.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/category.display/category_id/238/Internal_Centering_Sleeves.cfm and i posted it in case someone might use it, anyway i'll talk to my tire shop tomorrow and see if they have this prodect in stock if not i'll see what he has to say, although he re-balanced the steering tires twice already. i'll le you know. thanks again.
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