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SOUTHBOUND01 last won the day on February 27 2011

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  • Birthday 12/12/1959


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    South Jersey

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    Old Macks B,F,& R mainly. Enjoy family, friends and fishing. Love to listen to diesel engines, always have and always will.
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  1. MACK R-700, V-8 ENDT865, Maxitorque 5 speed, new clutch, 2 new Interstate batteries, new Bostrom Talladega 915, has wet line. Runs and drives great. Overall truck is in very good condition, really some minor body rust spots and a new paint job and she'll be ready to go. Have many new parts to put on after she's painted. I drove it when I first bought it from Cliff Sharp but then I put it in my garage and started working on it. I started on the interior as I figured I'd re-paint that first and then start on the outside. The paint is actually pretty good on the inside but it's not correct for a 72. Should be MACK 808 or 811 which is the darker OD green. I have the complete history and build sheet from the MACK Museum along with pictures from when Cliff had it. Had the grill powder coated and just finished putting it back on. My plan was to paint it inside and out and take her to some shows and a Sunday drive around South Jersey. She's been in my garage since 2011 and now we are having to look at down sizing our home and property and it's just not possible to finish what I started. I want her to go to a good home where somebody can finish what I started. Asking $8500 obo. Call Bob.............................609-929-8106
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  2. Why don't I ever run accross a gem like that! Glad you had a safe ride home.
  3. Man that must have been one hell of a pot hole! Glad to see your back in the grove, nice work.
  4. What an AWESOME MACHINE and amazing art work, thanks!
  5. I was talking to my neighbor who plays around with old cars. He told me there's a NAPA a couple towns over that did some paint for him and turned ouy great. I guess I'll be heading over there this weekend.Now if they could solve the R-700 emblem I would be in great shape...............LOL!
  6. More confusion, I was looking through the build sheet I got from the museum and it shows my interior should be Mack green 811 not 808 as they first said?. I definetly want to paint my interior the olive color. The other issue is my R-700 emblem. it has a part #31MF46. When I googled it came up as R-600 emblem. I hope I can get some answers in Macungie in June. If any body knows anything to help clarify I would be greatly appreciative!
  7. My '72 is painted the light mint green but the MACK Museum said the correct color is Mack paint code 808. My NAPA dealer said they couldn't help. I went to CarQuest and they sent me to a custom paint shop but came up empty. They said if I could bring in a chip they could scan it and try to get a match. I found one little patch under the fire extinguisher braket that had the original green. It looks like olive drab to me.
  8. Update I have located the correct panel thanks to Cliff, thanks for the help.
  9. Congradulations, looks very familiar LOL! You should have no problem getting dash parts as I believe that style dash ran up into the late 80's. The previous owner (Cliff Sharp) changed mine to power steering so it's not bad at all. I filled in the cracks in the wheel with JB weld and put a custom made leather cover on it, came out real nice. I love my truck and the best part, THERE AIN'T ONE METRIC BOLT ANYWHERE!!! I'm not even close to an expert but I like to learn whenever I can. Again good luck and have fun.............................Bob PS. Leave the FARR air cleaner.
  10. OK thanks. I will try to contact Tulsa Mack, I know my local dealer doesn't have anything that would work. I've just started my search and I hope to be at Mcungie and keep my eye open.
  11. Yes I would like to keep the Tachograph too but I think it might be next to impossible to find a new panel. It probably hard enough to find a flat one. I might just have to have something custom made? Thanks for the input.
  12. I'm looking for an instrument panel for my 1972 R-795ST. The one I have had the Tachogragh in it but I would be happy with the plain one too. Mine is in about 28 pieces LOL! The picture you see is before it got in 28 pieces. That darned thing is more fragile than butterfly wings!!!!!!......................................Thanks Bob
  13. Ya the past couple years have just so many things going on not to mention some health issues and Big Red sitting warm and dry I just been putting things off. Now my daughter wants to help me get things going again so I'm getting back on track. Hope to check out some shows this year and get her ready for a paint job by the end of summer. The wife got me this laptop so that makes it easier to get on the web.Thanks for asking mark.
  14. Going back to page one, I remember a couple of B models that ran clay out of the quarry in Elm over to the brick factory over on rt. 561 in Winslow by the rr tracks. Can't think for the life of me the name on them, that was in the late 60's. I used to drive one of Winzingers DM-800, it was a 10 wheeler, love that long nose. He later moved me into an R model tri-axle with a tub body. I missed the DM. Thanks for starting this thread Mark, brought back a lot of memories in S.J.
  15. R.I.P. Sorry to here the news.
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