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Everything posted by masterwelder

  1. Wouldn't hurt to call Antrim Diesel in PA either. Just had em on the phone talkin turbos. They know how to do it right.
  2. Are you leasing or did you buy it? 8000 Gallon?
  3. Picked up milk in one that looked very similar. Nice truck.
  4. You got any plans to head out to central NY in the near future?
  5. What's "normal" anymore? When it's warm and no snow everyone says we don't get real winters anymore, and when it's cold and snowy everyone complains and says it's unbearable! I've lived in central ny all my nearly 40 years and right now spring never sounded so good. But coming through a winter like this sorta like a badge of honor, and makes for some good memories when you're sitting on the deck this summer with a cold Heineken!
  6. Drag pipes are cool... wonder if I could drive it back to New York!
  7. I just put a 13 in mine and I have a E7-300. Best move I ever made!
  8. You are also going to want to find out you're rear end ratio and the 18sp high gear ratio. Go to the Roadranger website and look on the left hand side for the road speed calculator. Plug in your info and see what your road speed will be. You may also need to change the rears.
  9. Hi Glenn, I hope you have some sort of safety prop while checking or spraying it down. Would hate to think what would happen if that were to come down with you in between it...
  10. As long as you're not in the way!
  11. Sorry went to PA a couple of weeks ago. I'm about an hour from Binghamton, where are you? Maybe we can meet up?
  12. On CL, no connection. Nice looking truck, nice specs. http://poconos.craigslist.org/cto/4292155536.html
  13. Ok I stand corrected, it's a 2070! I changed the heading. Same price. Thanks for the help!
  14. Now you got me thinking!!!! My Truck never had a shifting diagram on the dash and the plastic cover on top of the shifting lever was gone also... so I'm not totally sure now if its a 6 or 7??? Rarely needed the low side but when I did I shifted it like a 7 and it worked well. Is there a place on the trany to look, or can some one run the vin# and tell?
  15. Haven't met a camera shy truck yet...post em' up!!
  16. Well said and right on the money, FWD. As a former town justice I say you nailed it for most of the local town and village judges. Good luck O.D.
  17. Ok, but where is the picture of Miss Geico.... she doesn't look like that green thing with the long tail you see on tv all the time, dose she?
  18. It's good to here there is work out there in the good ole USA!
  19. That's what I thought... wish I had the time to take it on.
  20. I wouldn't worry to much about the rust on the springs... first trip on any of the roads in Otsego County will knock it right off!!
  21. No connection... http://www.wantaddigest.com/forsale/wantad.asp?onlineid=AIPKZ99&adid=A00054&class
  22. We are in Worcester, just over the hill, and we use Cook Brothers for our parts. Good price and service and they deliver, they should deliver to you to. Not sure about needing a cover on the battery but just for safety sake I would fabricate something. If you decide not to keep it let me know, I'll give it a good home!
  23. We'll the -20 windchill comming in tonight and tomorrow ought to get you readjusted rather quickly!
  24. We got a good 14" here. It's 6 now and going down to -15 tonight. Got all the snow plowed and off the dog then took the binder down to the yard to pick up one of our trailers that is going out on lease Monday.
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