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Everything posted by masterwelder

  1. Now there's a hood ornimate with an ass worth looking at all day! (No offence to the current hood ornimate).
  2. Here's to a speedy recovery for both of you guys.
  3. Good take out. T2070 trans. $500 or best offer. Heading to PA this weekend, could deliver for sm fee. Or could ship. P.T.O. Included.
  4. As stated 5.73 carriers and axles. Stud pilot, good brakes. $500 or best offer. Can ship or I will be heading in to PA this weekend? Can deliver for small fee?
  5. My RB is a roll off truck. Was driving it today and thought it might make a nice tractor... They look pretty good as a tractor. Thanks for posting.
  6. Did Mack make an RB as a tractor from the factory?
  7. Smoke test only if insurance is current and paid up!
  8. Relax, we just finally got 3 cheese stuff-crust pizza. Good things take time.
  9. Nice find!
  10. It looks like everything is pointing to hard use of the brakes. Was this driver ever shown how to drive with the best interest of the truck in mind- or more importantly his safety and the safety of others? Eventually he will run out of brakes or luck or both, and you're name is on the door. Time to have a chat.
  11. Dose the truck have a jake or eng brake? Mabe he is not using it? Or he may just like to drive it hard if it's coming in smelling like brakes?
  12. I really think I will. The previous truck it was in had a 237 and it was a great combo that I drove a fair amount. When the 237's life was cut short by an inexperenced driver, I jumped all over the trans and rears. Really a sad story about the 237- a guy who was helping my cousin was driving down a steep hill and let it run away. Bent up the internals pretty bad to say the least.
  13. I hope so. It was a great set up in the previous truck, and that was with a 237. Hey, are you familiar with Pioneer Spring Water down there in Marlboro?
  14. My roadranger is a used take out from my cousins truck. I'm having my mechanic do the swap and he is going to go through the trans first. The trans is a 12513- so I believe it got a 1250# touque rating, kinda borderline for my 300- but I think if I treat it right, it will be fine. I think Ryan (84superdog) was thinking I would be 65 at 1800 with 11R 22.5s.
  15. My company leases, buys,sells and repairs sanitary trailers. Right now we dont have anything that big... I would check with DBL, they seem to have or know where to find em. That looked like a wild ride- glad youre OK. Has youre gf taken another ride with you yet? I have picked milk up here in upstate sence I was 18, and rode with guys doing it before that... Farm pick up is a diffrent animial, it must be done- no excuses. I really wonder with the work etithic (or lack of) today, whats going to happen when all the current drivers are replaced with the newer drivers... oh well sorry for the rant.
  16. I know the trans, it came out of my cousins mack witch had a 237. Never had a problem and shifted great. Getting the swap done now, should have it back together next week. Can't wait!
  17. I'm doing the swap now. Taking out the 7sp and 5.73 rears for a 13 road ranger and 4.64 rears. I have a EM7 300 for power and think it will be fine for now. I also hate the 7sp, lots of hills here- can't wait to have more gears!
  18. You're stack looks lonely... How bout a twin for the left side? Sharp truck either way, have fun!
  19. Thanks Ryan. I think I can live with the 4.64s. Setting cans at a residence can get tricky so I would like to keep some low gearing. I don't do allot of interstate driving so the top speed isn't that crucial, just didn't want to top out at 55. I'm hoping that the EM7-300 will work well with the 13sp. From searching old posts it seams that the 350s were more common with a bigger transmission. I'm not against turning my 300 in to a 350 or 400, just not now if I can help it. Whats you thoughts on the torque of the 300 being to much for the 12513? Do you or dose anyone know about beefing up the 12513? My mechanic mentioned something about changing the yoke on the trans to make it stronger. Is there a lot of difference between a 12513 and the 14613?
  20. I could gain a little more top with taller rubber but probably not enough to justify the cost.
  21. Ok. I was thinking a E7 300 was right around 1200 ft pounds of toque. I'm the only driver of the truck so I will treat it as good as possible. Its a roll off truck that I use for roll off, 4000 gallon tank, flatbed, dump and this winter I'm going to fit up the boom so it can slip on the roll off chassis also. I wonder if there is any way to "beef up" a 12513? I also have a Eaton 9sp in my cornbinder dump with a 300 Cummins- I'll go take a look at that trany to see what model that one is. I almost wish I had back the carriers that I sold to 84 Superdog this spring, but I'm pretty sure I don't have enough motor for that- but if I did I could go about 100mph!!
  22. Wow, thats slower than I expected. I was hoping for 65 atleast.
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