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Everything posted by masterwelder

  1. Will PTT work with Vmack?
  2. Oh no not chickens, can’t afford eggs as it is!
  3. Town of Poughkeepsie truck tractor. Nice looking truck! https://www.auctionsinternational.com/auction/31468/item/1962-mack-b61lt-tractor-truck-195810
  4. Here are the frame options from a RD600S brochure dated 1998.
  5. Well got my Mack frame book out and might’ve answered my own question about the single frame versus double frame, triple etc. According to the book a double frame truck will have the second frame on the inside of the main frame. Any additional layers after a double will be to the outside of the main frame. With that being said it would make sense that mounting brackets would be narrower on a double frame truck than a single frame. Or a spacer is used to make up the space, similar to having an inner rail on a single frame, then the same brackets can be used regardless of the frame thickness.
  6. Thanks Joey. My truck has a single frame. I’m unsure if the inner frame dimensions are the same as a double frame truck? In other words did Mack maintain the inner frame dimension or did it get narrower as they added layers of frame. My RD dump is double framed. I wonder if the same mounts are used on a single frame truck. I really wish Mack would give us access like I have with caterpillar on my heavy equipment. In the caterpillars SIS system I can go in with the Vin number for any piece of equipment and get the complete breakdown right to the bolt and nut specifications. Saves a lot of phone calls to the caterpillar parts department you can do all of your own research. I would love to run a vin number of a double frame RD against a single frame RD with a E7 and Eaton manual trans to see if they use the same frame side and trans side mounts. I think I found a single frame RD vin number with an E7 and Eaton, they’re not that common at least on TruckPaper right now.
  7. Turns out the transmission side mounts are different. I was able to get the numbers off the transmission mounts on my dump truck. I think the frame side mounts are the same but will do some measuring in the morning. The transmission mount part numbers I believe I need are, 158GB4553A and 158GB4554A. So we are at a standstill for now.
  8. Called the 1-800 number and got Grainger? Anyway I looked in my book and it says that the PTO operates at 123% of the engine speed. There are no other options to change the speed.
  9. I pm’ed a bunch of pictures. Check your inbox.
  10. Terry, Mike was pretty young, do you know what caused his untimely passing?
  11. Dose Mike have a son, grandson or other family member named Mikey? Maybe thats who Barry and Terry are referring to? That would be great to have someone in Mikes family keeping on with the vast amount of trucks and parts Mike had. RIP Mike.
  12. My 2001 RD buzzer buzzes when the turn signals or hazards are used. I think it’s a reminder feature. I would say if the buzzer comes on with the brake something is back feeding into the turn signal circuit.
  13. If you are referring to a REPTO, yes I have parts. I have just removed the entire setup from my 2000 ETech and would let the whole thing go.
  14. Stopped in at the shop quick between pushing snow into piles and the bell housing was on, flywheel was back from resurfacing and they were in the process of relocating the transmission mounts. They hoped to have the trans in by the afternoon and driveshaft ready to be sent out to be lengthened.
  15. One more, says it’s a 91 RD
  16. Truck Paper. When I need a vin I try Truck Paper. Found a 90 R model says it has an E7. Also included a RB. I can’t remember if the frames are the same but the RB was made well in to the 2000s anyway.
  17. New 18 showed up this week, shop yanked out the 9LL and the REPTO on Friday.
  18. Don’t forget to ad a fancy clamp!
  19. I’m not completely versed on the Nexiq Pro Link but as far as the revision of the software for Vmac III you may have to take what you can get. I never paid much attention to mine until you mentioned it. I guess we’re at the mercy of the eBay offerings. I would say if your Vecu is working with the ETech Eecu you may be ok or ok enough to run. You gages and dash work ok? I wonder if the pro link will interface with your Vecu? My 2000 RD with a 400 was in the shop this morning so I plugged it in to the pro link to have a look. On the Eecu there are some settings for the fan. My truck has a regular non air or electric controlled fan so I wasn’t able to play with the settings, but they are there. Sounds like a good sign if the Eecu from a 300 ETech worked. You just need to change the parameters in the 427 Eecu.
  20. Your cap looks an awful lot like the tri clamp caps we use in the dairy beverage and food industry. May work and save a few bucks!
  21. From what I’m told the newer “tech tools” although saying they have VMac software of any version, tend to bury it making it almost unusable. I have the old Pro Link system. You may be able to find it on eBay. It works great with the VMac III. You will be able to turn on the Jake brake. If you brought over the VECU from the donor truck you may be able to come up with a way to get the fan to do what you want it to. I have attached some info from the VMac III vendor application guide that may help.
  22. For starters, this is a must read! Mack Tech did a great job putting this together.
  23. Steam Jenny is a handy tool for a lot of things, especially cleaning grease and oil from equipment. Just spent about 4 hours with 240 degree wet steam getting the RD ready for the tranny swap. Spent some of that time on my oil pan as it will have to come down to change the flywheel housing.
  24. Dose the series 60 turbo have the angle outlet on the air side like the Mack stock turbo in the 2001 year or do you make or buy an adapter?
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