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Everything posted by masterwelder

  1. I have one10 foot wide door at the shop that I pull a truck through sometimes and it is tight. If you can't go bigger, folding the mirrors in helps. Congrats on the new toy box.
  2. Thanks for the info. I have heard of trouble with the egr and cooler. Truck only has 225k on it. Low milage makes me nervous.
  3. I would like the factory to retool to the mid 90s and start cranking out the entire offering again. Could order mechanical or V-Mack on a E7. Tell the EPA to go pound salt. To me that is one of the best time periods for Mack.
  4. Looking at a CH613. Has the 460 in it. How was that engine? Is it still a E7 block? I know it has a egr, and cooler and it seams that was a potential problem. I know to stay away from the 03-04 engines but were things worked out by 06?
  5. Porting and polishing reminds me of the old days racing motocross. Never thought of it on my E7.
  6. My ReMacked 96 E-7 350 is tagged ReMack.
  7. I believe they came factory. Maybe because the piping points right towards the hood. Like others said if it comes off under presure... Haven't seen them on angled charge air piping.
  8. Not to but-in, 15 is the same idea as the 8ll just a few more gears. And yes with suitable rears, I think it is excellent for lowboy work.
  9. I think it's to keep the charge air piping together should the clamps not be sufficient enough under lots of boost
  10. That's cool, thanks Mike!
  11. Possible bell housing, trans mounts, the way the clutch cable attaches, length of trans (shorten or lengthing drive shaft) speedo hookup, final output ratio of transmission ( rear gearing change) shift lever. I've done it. It's worth the effort if you do you homework. Best way is to get the doner trans from a mack, preferably around the same year. I'm getting ready to get rid of the mack 9sp for a fuller. My mack has a .71 final drive ratio with 5.55 rears so any swap I make will also require a rear change to get any road speed with a decent rpm.
  12. Keep going- I'm fascinated. I love stuff like this.
  13. That sure sounds like a Mack 12 to me. I think you use the small shift lever in reverse and L on the air shift as a deep reduction. Otherwise just normal shift 1st low/ high 2nd low/ high ect. I think...
  14. I know I know- but if we could just park the trucks. Look how people freek out during a storm in NYC and the garbage dosent get picked up on time. That's just one of many examples. If we could do it even halfway we would have them eating out of our hands in more ways than one. I guess we will either take it or unite and fight it. With the shortage of good drivers now and getting worse- a shutdown would likely favor the bigger carriers that would not shutdown but where would they find the extra drivers on short notice. I don't think it would take very long for the general public and especially the law makers to see how important trucks and good drivers are. Sorry for the elementary and simplistic rant. If we could do it, it would work.
  15. Get well soon Mike.
  16. I'd call her awesome! Wish we could by those trucks here.
  17. Awesome truck, its just so hard to accept its a Volvo. I don't have anything against Volvo except when it comes to Mack.
  18. If you have enough blankets to cover the entire slab you will be ok. As long as the ground your pouring on isn't froze allready. Concrete creates it own heat as it cures. If you can throw heat in the building besides that's not going to hurt. The question is who gets to put the finish on it in freezing cold?!
  19. Hun... that's funny... I didn't see RoudyRebbel anywhere.
  20. Can't wait to see more. It should be some pup when finished.
  21. I have one in my rolloff, zero issues.
  22. So.... Just wondering.... How do you like the rental truck??
  23. What motor is in you're Mack and had it ever been rebuilt before?
  24. The almost 24 hours of darkness in the winter and lack of even a raido station would take some getting use to. If you can get use to it.
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