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Everything posted by masterwelder

  1. I know the show ice Road truckers jumped the shark but when they were riding with the drivers that ran the Dalton I thought it was some of the most interesting TV on TV. I can't imagine being up there in essentially total darkness in the dead of winter trying to navigate that road.
  2. I'm thinking about putting 385's on the front of my RD tractor mostly for looks as I do not like the way the 11r's don't fill out the wheel well completly. My question is with the 12 K front is the steering box going to be able to handle the extra width of 385 tire without straining or damaging it? Last year was my first year running a truck with 385's and that is on my rolloff truck. I thought it did really well in the snow so I don't see any real drawback on having 385's on the tractor even though I'm not that heavy on my front axle. Plus I will get the benefit of the looks of the 385's.
  3. Is that an old Roosevelt wrecker?
  4. "It's HUGE!!" is Billy Fucillo's catch phrase. Apparently he owns a lot of dealerships and represents a lot of brands.
  5. I think I pay 85/ hour here. Private shop, the guy and his guys are good. Quick turnaround.
  6. That's been on there for awhile. Looks nice though. Heavy spec if I recall correctly.
  7. A- control over an other or othersB- jealousy C- ignorance/ uninformed D- fear E- all of the above With all due respect, times are changing like it or not. That's evolution. Get on or get out of the way.
  8. My point exactly. Label me as a liberal and an atheist. I don't belong to any group, religion or organization. I can think for myself. If what I believe coinsides with a group, religion or orginization it's purely a coincidence. I don't care what you or anyone else dose and you shouldn't medel in others business. If you want to spend the rest of you life with a watermelon what gives me the right to judge you or tell you how to live your life? Controlling others is largely to blame for the mess were in present day- all over the world. Religion is responsible for more death and destruction than everything else combined. Must be my generation (gen X). I don't think most of us are god fearin, gay bashing, pro lifers and close minded. We were much more exposed to it growing up. We can think for ourselves. We don't need a book to tell us how to live. We see life as it is and live in the moment. Life is to short.
  9. An invisible man in the sky dosent have the say- Mother Nature will- as she has done sence the Big Bang- decide the fate of the earth and the creatures on it. Religion was developed to control the mases and our government borrowed from religion during its formation. I for one am not looking to control other people and there private lives. Life is to dam short on this planet and I can't see why someone should suffer because of someone else's beliefs regardless of where there beliefs come from. So what if the parts don't fit, is much more than sex, it's about all the things that make life special and enjoyable. No person or law should ever deprive anyone of happiness or equality. Mabey if more people were happy in this world some of the bad would go away.
  10. Yes tractors are expensive to register in NY- don't I know- but you could register it with just commercial plates also. I have had tractors registered as commercial I the past.
  11. A 3rd and maybe 4th wouldn't hurt...
  12. No connection. www.wantaddigest.com/forsale/wantad.asp?onlineid=BLU0006&adid=A00001
  13. Hope no one was hurt. Nothin the local can't fix with a pallet full of block and tub of mortar.
  14. I don't live far from Vinny, so I could deliver it cheap!
  15. Wow a 88 with tan interior.
  16. U685T 5 sp, air brakes w/maxis, 20" rubber in good shape, has some rust, frame is good. Dump works good, pintle plate, asking $3500.
  17. Where's Bob Vilia when you need him? That was reality tv. Getting a wood splinter was about as much drama as you would see on that show. Never saw anyone trying to shove a Skil saw through an I-beam.
  18. What are the axle ratings, miles and hours? Does it have an engine brake? Mechanical or electronic engine? Stationary or slide 5th wheel?
  19. We have always moved tank trailers with just a simple cardboard cutout plate that says in transit. As long as it would Pass a DOT inspection should the trucker have to have one done I wouldn't think there'd be any issues other than that. I would call a reputable load board like truckstop.com and they may be able to help you out and put you in touch with a broker that can get that trailer onto a board for you. Of course they're going to take a percentage but that's the way business gets done.
  20. Mine is screwed on also. 2001 RD688s
  21. Thanks for the "schooling" on the "old school"!
  22. What is a "KT"?
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