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Everything posted by masterwelder

  1. Fan belts loose, or squeaking in the pulleys...
  2. As an employer it's always tough to lose good people. However, as an employer you should never hold it against any of your people when they try to better themselves or better their situation as it is for them. Always be honest and upfront and leave on good terms, because you never know what's around the next bend. Good luck.
  3. Is the tanker in the background for sale also?
  4. I call it a really big dog house...
  5. You're going to upgrade your axle and loose it on the 22.5 rubber. Better go with the 24.5 rubber.
  6. I would gladly correct it if I knew how. Can you tell us how to correct it?
  7. Yea just saw that to. Yesterday it said it was going to be nice both days. Well you know the weather in the northeast...
  8. Sorry I didn't see this sooner. You need to ask to see if the rear end gears were changed when he swaped the transmission. The five-speed had a different final ratio than the 13 does most likely. My rears with the 5 speed were 5:73. When I switched to the 13 speed I dropped to 4:64s and that's still not enough to have a decent top highway speed.
  9. Wow. I thought I had it bad when I went to Italy- 9 hours.
  10. That's some trip from VT to NZ!! How many hours is the flight?
  11. 1600 is to low even for a maxidyne. Are you saying even with no load it will only turn 1600? Mine will rev up to 2100- no load but will pull to 1750 then start to cut back the power. You may have govener trouble if you all ready verified you're getting wide open throttle via the linkage.
  12. My spicer 10sp uses them all to.
  13. Could also happen if you filled up with a bio diesel blend. Bio will clean things out too!
  14. 8LL has it to. It's where lo is on the "low"side just on the high side. Same as the 9 and 13. It works but really feels like it shouldn't be in there. I can't believe there are u tube videos calling it the hidden gear.
  15. Basically what you want is a EM7 300. Pulls to 1750. Great motor. Mines coupled to a 13spd with 4.64 rears. Not fast but pulls like a freight train. I run 64000 with it, the more the better it pulls.
  16. Because it looks cool. That's my guess and I'm stickin to it.
  17. No part number on mirror. In good shape. Heated. Asking half of new.
  18. I think the 4:64 with a 12 will work good off road and just be a little slow on anything faster than a 55. I would call Antrum(sp) Diesel in PA for upgrade questions.
  19. What are your plans for the truck when it's finished? Work, play, show...
  20. My tach works off the sensor in the bell housing I think. The speedo has a sensor on the tail of the trany. Linkage from the pedal to the pump!
  21. That makes perfect sence. Thank you.
  22. My 96 RD with a E7 350 is mechanical (except for the speedo and tach) but I saw another member here with a 96' with a 427 that is electronic? What was going on during this time as far as the transition from mechanical to electronic? Was it just specific models or engine hp in 96' that got the electronics? When would my model have become electronic? I like the mechanical for sure just would like to understand the transition period from mech to elec.
  23. Nedly, the truck you bought was just over the hill from me. Saw it alot when I drove by. I dont think it was used daily. I met the owner last year when he stoped at the shop to buy some 4" pipe. Had a good talk with him, seemed like a nice guy. Said he worked for the town highway dept. Did he tell you how he had his house moved from out by the road to out back in the field? That was a interesting process to watch! Good luck with the new truck. I think its a good one.
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