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About bubbas08srt

  • Birthday December 13


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    Baltimore, MD

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  1. After I posted this, I did see the search by Vin # I have entered the appropriate info..we will see come Monday morning? Thanks
  2. I have a pin hole or holes in my radiator i have been to such sites as Detroit radiator Corp but, with the 44 choices, i am unsure of what I need for Our 88 MC600FC EM6 285. Can someone help with a part # or cross reference to another model?? http://detroitradiatorcorp.com/catalog/detail/radiators/mack/truck
  3. Name: '88 MC PUMPER Date Added: Owner: bubbas88mack bubbas88mack
  4. I had a hard start 1 week ago.finally started after 5 seconds of cranking left running all day. got home let it sit all week. today went to start, again hard start but finally finally fired ran for 20 mins then bogged down at idle and shut off wont restart..fuel filters or something worse?? no, smoke darker than normal, no white smoke..its 50 degrees out side..thoughts? thank you
  5. there is not a safety latch preventing from going up just shear push power of the jack.i thought maybe since it was cold the jack fluids were acting funny, but.it finally came up.only after.i called the dealer... they said keep jacking but apply the safety stand after its full upright. check ..thanks anyway
  6. Hello, I have an '88 Mack MC-600 fc pumper has been running like a champ for the last year, has had regular service at the dealership. but now I am feel a little stupid i havent seen them or found out how to open the cab over..I have searched relentlessly for how to's, the old manual can't find the answer. Do i just keep pumping the jack till it goes up or is there a release that is holding it from going up, the pump works cause when i flip the switch i can hear all the pressure being released in the pump. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  7. Name: MACK MC-600FC (1988) Date Added: 11 January 2011 - 08:33 AM Owner: bubbas88mack Short Description: Only 322 orginal engine hours and 25k miles View Vehicle
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