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Rob last won the day on July 16 2021

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About Rob

  • Birthday 01/23/1960


  • Location
    Mack Paradise-Farmington, Illinois

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    Family-Support Base

    Antique Mack Trucks and restorations of the same.

    Working antique heavy equipment.
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Community Answers

  1. And if over open ocean, nothing to clean up, nor collateral damage to be concerned with. A win/win for certain.
  2. I've welded up spring leaves in the past myself on older trucks. Never really had problems with doing it although it is easy to purchase a single replacement leaf to install, (unless special). I've always replaced the center bolt while the spring is apart.
  3. I'm following now Fred; thanks. Never have been around the later E6 series engines so this is new to me.
  4. Fred; Is this the later block Glenn mentions that had the Allen socket screws installed? Wouldn't have a photo or snippet from a manual would you? I only have much older publications and literature. Photo from ebay of a 1986 EM6-300 engine block. This one appears to have the AMBAC pump mounting pattern and I've never seen a block with the two plugs at the top of the pump drive gear area? Thanks,
  5. Let's all go "Green":
  6. Hi Steve and thanks for your input. I left working on trucks in 1983 and technology was changing quickly. The 4V heads were brand new and I've not worked on a single one other than routine service, (LOF) etc. I have a good 300+ engine minus a good pump which is plain worn out. I would like to install this engine into another B61 I have but it would need to have the pump replaced, or rebuilt. Sheid Diesel whom is somewhat local to me makes injection lines and I'd probably go with those if I can get the pump upgraded. Thanks,
  7. Looking back through some of the postings of years ago, I do see where AMBAC was installed onto the 4 valve engines. Haven't seen this myself but maybe this was more common than I'd thought. I'd really like to swap one of my engines to the Robert Bosch pump if possible as parts are NLA for the AMBAC installed, and the governor is shot.
  8. Never seen any AMBAC on a 4V head myself. Back in 1983 when the 1984 trucks were being built and the four valve heads came out, all new trucks had Robert Bosch pumps installed I seen. I was doing a lot more shortening that stretching in those days as the dealer always ordered the trucks in very long for cutdown to customer spec. Usually the engine speed cable ran right to the injection pump arm directly but sometimes a pull type solenoid was incorporated and actuated the linkage. I'm referencing PTO throttle cable, not accelerator cable. I would like to see what it would take to install a Robert Bosch pump onto an engine that currently had an AMBAC installed as parts are getting scarce for the AMBAC style.
  9. I don't think the four valve E6 engine had an AMBAC, (American Bosch) injection system. I think they were all Robert Bosch by the time of the four valve head system.
  10. Now worries; Hope it does some good.
  11. You're in luck!!! Rob's Scrap Yard is open for business and pays "Pennies on the Dollar" for trucks like yours. Replace both front springs. These things tend to follow each other quite closely in service life so save yourself the future headache and address both sides while the the truck is down once.
  12. Looks like an E6-350.
  13. I've seen that toggle switch on the upper dash bad more than once.....
  14. They are a wear item. The black oily substance is lubrication applied to the sealing rings when the cylinders and shift mechanism were built, or rebuilt. It turns black with age. A kit from PAI is about $40.00 for the basic kit, and about $80.00 for the all inclusive of wear parts kit. I recommend the later and it is an easy repair to perform. Should take about 1/2 hour from start to finish and be sure to label your air lines to ease assembly and connections. Change the air filter cartridge too just as an annual measure.
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