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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Although a Mack B-61 is by far my favorite truck, (I grew up with them), an R-190 IH is my second choice. I have a 65 R-190 that I bought in October of 1985 that was a semi tractor, and I installed a Pitman crane onto myself. I rolled it onto it's driver's side two years ago when an outrigger sunk in soft dry dirt loading junk cars. I jumped clear and the door remaining open, was destroyed. I've got to replace it someday. I rolled the truck back over with my skid steer, let the oil settle, started it back up, then finished the job! Mine was a Tennesee truck from around Memphis till I got it. I bought it there and pulled my mobile home back to Illinois, then decided to keep the truck because it ran so well. Always starts and does what I ask of it. This IH actually belongs to guy in Indiana. He collects/restores IH farm tractors so this is a natural addition to his "fleet". I enjoy working on things that people plan to keep and use. Rob
  2. I know this bunch likes photos so here are a few of a current project that is not mine: I had this 53 IH R185 cab plastic media blasted to remove multiple layers of paint, then sandblasted in the seams, crevices, and pitted areas to remove shallow rust inside and out. There are absolutely no holes in this cab from rust, only small dents, and holes from ancillary lighting that was installed. I'm directed to remove the holes to go back to "as built" status. It really should be a nice piece when finished. The doors, hood, grille are in like condition. The only rust I've ran across is in the fenders. The bracing at the lower fronts and rears of both fenders has retained wheel splash, and rotted the bottoms through. This is an easy fix after forming new panels. I'll just cut to old off, and weld in new. I'm concentrating on the cab this week so I'll keep focus on that. Rob A larger hammer will surely make it fit.... Post Attachments IMG_0727_1.JPGIMG_0728_2.JPG IMG_0729_3.JPG IMG_0731_5.JPG
  3. The keyswitch is just that, an off and on switch. You could have either that switch bad, the push button starter switch bad, or the interconnecting wiring between them, or the series parallel switch with the problems you mention. The problem seems simple enough but you will need a wiring print to follow and ensure correct connections. I would first jump the terminals at the back of the keyswitch as Freightrain suggests. If the engine turns over by pushing the starter button, you have a bad switch. These are readily obtainable and Barry can set you right up. If it doesn't turn over when the start button is pressed, ensure you have power to the terminals on the push button switch and if not, there is bad wiring between the keyswitch, and start switch. Assuming there is power there, (keyswitch must be on), jump the terminals on this switch with a screwdriver, or wire. If the engine now turns over the problem is this start switch. If it still does not turn over, the wiring from the start switch, to the series parallel switch is most likely defective. You have already proven the series parallel switch to be good by jumping terminals on it to engage it's operation. Barry has taken the time and effort to post a wiring diagram onto this site in the section reached through "Wiki" on the top banner. Rob
  4. oooooh man, nothing like throwing a gallon of diesel on a raging inferno!! I could have a lot of fun with that in my cruel, dimented and twisted sort of way. Actually I hope this downtime is not costing you due to unavailability. Breakdowns are a bitch no matter what the brand. That actually brings up another point: Mack Trucks do not "break down". And I mean never. Occasionally, they "Fail to proceed". Hope your back on the road on short order! Rob
  5. Alright, now you guys and gals know I'm about as fond of Volvo and their ownership of Mack Trucks as most of us on this board but I do not believe this "comment" was produced, or written by Mr. Johannson for a minute. It would not be professional, (in the least) to publicly release information such as this, and would certainly be a "career killer" in any profession, (let alone a CEO of a worldwide corporation), if revealed publicly. No matter how disliked a person, or corporation may be, the reprecussions of such a move would follow negatively. Until proven differently to me, those comments are considered fabrications to further someones personal agenda. I would like to think the comments have merit, but again a CEO of a worldwide corporation, (even an ex CEO) would not make those type of comments in my beliefs. To publically admit that any manufacturer is unable to build a truck that will last as long as an existing design would be foolish. I'm quite sure the attorneys would love to prosecute this one if true. Sure don't mean to step on anyone's toes here. These are my beliefs and I'm not asking anyone to follow but rather, "follow your own". Rob
  6. I would not say "insane" at all. In fact, it is exactly what I would, and plan to do. You are correct that this is not a "cheap" hobby, but good results cost good money without exception. How good would one feel if they went with some of those inferior quality import namebrand tires, to have one fail, and destroy something much more expensive than the additional expenses of good quality tires! You only need to purchase once. My advice is to "bite the bullet" and be happy over the long haul. Rob
  7. I second to leave it a dump truck. That truck has "let's work" all over it! Sorta like mine!! Rob
  8. That is a very nice unit and looks/works well together. You have the right to be proud. Rob
  9. I have to agree with our newest presidential candidate Underdog's statement as it is a good looking truck. Your boss looks after you quite well it appears. Was it "Forward Thinking" to provide you with that large sleeper so you wouldn't be uncomforable waiting on a wrecker?? I better go as I don't seem to be able to be good this morning, (according to Momma)! Rob
  10. Isn't it a lot of fun learning a "new" rig? Is the box aluminum, or painted silver? It sure looks heavy and up to the task. Rob
  11. Aww hell. Just when I was preparing to go Postal on the fact that he drives a damned Peterbilt, you cut my legs off with articulate logic and diplomacy that is both fair, and unbiased. I herby nominate Underdog for president!! BTW, Me and Momma say "Welcome to the site"! Lot's of nice folks here. Sorry I can't be one! Rob
  12. Rob

    V.p ?..

    Glenn, I'm not familiar with Dog, the bounty hunter. The photo was taken at a local cafe last year. Rob
  13. Rob

    V.p ?..

    I got to see just a little of the convention last week. Told Momma to 'scuse me whilst I go PUKE. I've never seen so much bullshit, in such a short period of time, disseminated to so many. These MORONS are like sheep!! Have these IDIOTS forgotten who was in office while the events that lead up to 9/11 were brewing?? What about Hillary Clinton and her media frenzy "Shame on you Barak Obama" campaign? I've never seen her render an apology about that, yet she now announces her full support for Obama. What a JOKE!! Our broken political process has become an embarrassment to a once proud country. 2nd rate is NOT where the United States needs to be in the world. I was especially fond of Joe Bidens' son "swapping spit" with his old man on national television. To the best of my knowlege, only a man that is Queer would do something like that; (I don't care what party they are affiliated with). The son also was reported to being called to active duty so he would not be around much longer. Maybe he is a military member through the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy"?? Who was in office when that policy was enacted? I'm not a politician and do not wish to argue my core beliefs or values as an American. Let's just say I believe very strongly that you are responsible for your own actions and are to be held accountable as such. Look at most politicians: They are lawyers spending endless hours and monies to convince juries that victims are not responsible for their actions. Because of this "No fault" mentality, you should be compensated. Here is a case in point: An older lady walks into an intersection against the "Don't Walk" flashing annunciator, and is struck by an oncomming automobile. Not only did the driver of the car get sued, the municipality who owned the signal, the automobile maker was also sued due to the horn not being loud enough, and the sun tinting on the windshield was at the driver's line of sight. Ultimately, the case was dismissed but not before appellate hearings. Pretty screwed up in my opinion, and in need of overhaul. What we need is another "Big Stick" in the White House. Someone black or white, male or female, with the "guts" to get things back on track. Rob
  14. Rob

    V.p ?..

    If my latest diet takes to working maybe I can "rate" someone who looks like that. Meanwhile, I'm sticking with "Momma". Rob
  15. Don't look none too bad from here. I used to see a lot of the rectangular headlamp conversions done around here, but not anymore. Too much chrome piled onto today's trucks to be personalized for me. That truck looks "ready to perform" for you! Good luck!! Rob
  16. Both of those sizes can still be acquired in radial ply construction around here as they are available. They will however, be expensive and if needing 10, you may need financing. Rob
  17. Fine choice I may add. Looks "up to the task" you will ask of it. I like the look of the Dayton wheels on the front. To me, those wheels always meant business over beauty. Certainly different than most trucks nowadays. Rob
  18. I picked up both kits yesterday and will make it a project this weekend. My earlier post today in the wouldn't make air is the motivation to get this problem licked. I have the Midland compressor here and will try it this weekend also. I've got two other V8 Mack engines so it is bound to be used someplace. Thanks, Rob
  19. Really nicely done newsletter there Barry. History of a business is always of interest to me. Not bad pricing on the parts specials too. Keep it up! Rob
  20. Yesterday I went to move my R795 and the truck would not build air after idleing for over 20 minutes. Further investigation revealed the air dryer, (Bendix AD-2) was discharging with each stroke of the compressor. I had just rebuilt this unit a few months ago and used everything that was available and all parts were OEM Bendix. I unscrewed the discharge valve carrier from the bottom plate, and took the valve assembly apart. To my surprise, the valve, spring, and seat for the rubber sealing valve were "flash rusted" to the point the valve would not seal. This was a complete surprise as all the parts were new under a year ago, and the truck has only idled for the most part since. After cleaning up the valve assembly and carrier in the bead blaster, I then lubricated all metal and rubber parts with a silicone gel and reinstalled everything. Although the compressor discharge is much slower than my other trucks, it did reach 120psi and the governor did trip the discharge. A lot of the gel blew out on this first cycle and the air rushes out much louder, and faster now. I guess that I'm surprised how quickly these parts rusted up without usage. I know the discharge air will not be that hot due to the truck not running at high rpm always, but still less than a year is a little short lived. If something like this would have happened to a vehicle in use it could have been expensive as it made no perceivable air in the tanks to even release the brakes. Rob
  21. Rob


    Hi Barry, the last four posters come to mind right off. I'll look through the rest and get back to you! Thanks, Rob
  22. Rob


    Hey Barry, isn't the garage setup for use to highlight, or show off our trucks owned by members of this board? There seems to be a few folks using it as a "for sale" area. My opinion is that there are other areas for that kind of activity, even within this board. Just want to keep the topic areas on track as meant to be. Am I correct? Rob
  23. Hi Glenn, it is a tu-flo 500. I will look into a service kit tomorrow. Thanks, Rob
  24. Well the latest is the 12 is no longer attached to the alternator and an 8V-71 resides mounted in it's place. The V8 did present some problems from a couple of stuck injectors due to sitting, but with dissassembly, and lubrication, they freed right up. The rack was run and now all is well. The V8 was purchased from ebay for the flywheel housing, limiting speed governor, and ancillary drives necessary for on road usage, and was a known good engine. I was rather surprised that it only had N55 injectors installed, as I was told it was 340 hp. I now need to run electrical to all of the sensors that were transferred from the 12 and get voltage to the exciter via the regulator. I will then load bank the set to evaluate how many kilowatt she will output with this smaller engine installed. I have a resistive bank that can readily absorb 400kw. The 12 is currently sitting on the floor by it's lonesome. More on that chapter later. Rob
  25. Same thing on my Dodge pickup last year but not my fault: I had the truck cleaned up by the detailer on second shift. He closed the panel low enough to extinguish the underhood lamp, but did not latch it down, (I do not know why). At 10 p.m. the same evening, I, with the building dark, backed out of the facility, and started down the highway. Needless to say the hood did not stay down and basically the same happened. With quick thinking on what to do I eased over to the side of the road, walked back to the shop, grabbed a 10 pound slided hammer to yank the hinges back to a form so I could close the hood and did just that. The next morning I ordered a used hood and hinges from a salvage yard I used but the parts that arrived were scrap! I was so angry over this they were sent back and I haven't dealt with that yard since. To settle down, I purchased a set of hinges from ebay, and ordered a new OEM hood panel. Also went ahead and cut the glass out to repaint the unit while parts arrived. When the replacement hood panel shows up, the driver informs me there is a large recall on the hood latches for the Dodge trucks! I then call my supporting dealer and there are seven outstanding recalls on my truck that I purchased new in 96! I have not relocated, changed phone numbers, or anything and believe it or not, have the oil changed periodically at the Dodge dealer! My truck seemed to be lost from the database of existence! Long story short is Chrysler Corp. put a new OEM hood, hinges, chrome grille, and painted the front half of the truck at no cost, (did a nice job too). The hinges went back order for a length of time, so I provided the used set from ebay to get the truck finished. I now have the new OEM hinges in the box at the shop which I will probably ebay sale. Unfortunately, the detailers' employment status changed the very next morning as this was not the first incident requiring rework due to complacency. Rob
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