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Everything posted by Loyal

  1. I've been a member for awhile but first post here. Brief history...been a driver for 17 years and an owner op for 13. I've owned 4 trucks. 1996 w9, 2001 379, 2006 379, and finally 2007 387. My personal PU truck is an old ford, 1976. I have an old motorcycle, 1971. Here's the question. Can an old B model do the same work I do now? I'm not looking for the short answer. I know that the trucks 50 years ago hauled much the same loads and they got where they were going. I'm more interested in the DOT regs, brakes, HP and torque, hill climbing, emission laws and etc. I've been brainwashed by the industry thinking that we need new trucks and I obeyed and bought a newer one each time. But truth be told if I had my first truck again, the W9 I would still be working it today. I see a few old B Macks in CO, MT, and NV working occasionally and I recall a few years ago parking next to an Autocar and an LTL also. I could be mistaken but they seemed to be working and not on the way to a show. So I want to know what would be the problem in working a B model these days. I don't care at all about leasing it on with someone so no stupid excuses there. Can it be done? Thanks
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