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About 75T

  • Birthday 01/26/1959


  • Location
    Harmony PA.

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  1. I have one that I don't need, it has been straightened and polished. I'm away from it, unable to photograph it.
  2. Thanks for posting your photos.
  3. Congratulations on your new life experience! I'm doing the same thing also.
  4. Thank you all, for your service.
  5. 24 inch tires!
  6. Thank you for another view! Continue.
  7. Great find! The search moves on to another piece, part ,truck!
  8. Check Craigslist Pittsburgh, there was a nos for sale recently.
  9. Both nice !
  10. I don't recall ever seeing that style of air filter housing, has those nice east coast fender mirrors. As always something to start and build with!
  11. 75T

    I seen the R -model you built recently,  looked like they stretched it by 4 to 6 foot.

    1. keg1


      I heard he stretched it. When he bought it he said he wanted to put a big bunk on it.

  12. 75T

    ATHS Reno??

    I'm going, Thursday till Saturday. Maybe catch up to you!
  13. Agreed, Dad bought a 1970, had the big air filter bonnet, I don't remember the 71's having that around here. (Western PA) Looks as it should.
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