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Everything posted by LAZRGUIRA

  1. is that still the current part # ? or has it been changed? If someone can post an online store where I can find it that would be great.
  2. Thanks. Why is it that its the only mack pipe you cant order online???
  3. hahaha... so does anybody happen to have a parts book handy?? please??? The dealer next to me isn't very knowledgeable what so ever.... And they have been bought out by CIT which makes it even worst. they are trying to get rid of all the old mack stuff.
  4. Hello all, I've been having a hell of a time trying to find the correct pipe for my 1986 Superliner. I did manage to find a picture of the exact pipe that I have on some else's 89 Superliner from this forum. I have posted the picture. It is 4" in diameter and I need one ASAP .Mine is leaking pretty bad. I ordered an MK-21698 but it was not the correct one. It would have probably worked if the flange was on the opposite side. I will check back later to see if you guys found somthing. Thank you all again.
  5. here's The brace thats currently on my truck
  6. The junk yard is currently looking for the Brkts. He also came across this pc.
  7. ok thanks...I'll see what I can find.
  8. I have a 1986 superliner that I'm trying to convert or should I say already converted to an Air Ride cab. But Not complete. I bought the whole roller setup only to find out that those rollers will not bolt up to my hood becuase I seem to have a different setup which nobody in the world seems to have seen before. Please tell me what goes here because I really need to put some type of rubber pads or somthing and weld some brkt's to the fire wall so the hood doesn't bounse itself to death. here's what I have.
  9. OH WOW...thanks for answers. I decided to check back to see if anyone responded today. And yes LMACK ATTACK we did meet at the magio truck stop. glad to hear from you. Well the brackets I have dont look like the one in the pictures BUT they work exacltly the same just a slightly different design. I thing for sure is that the ones i bought in the junk yard are made out of solid metal and the ones on my truck seem to be out of cast metal. both are very strong and similar and bolt on the same way. I think mine were made to clear my large tanks (105 gal each side). definetly OEM brackets. oh and yes I have the arched bar bolted on the frame brackets just like you buddy. And anybody have any pics of these so called hood rollers for movement? Thanks guys. also it would be easier to email me at work RRODRIGUEZ@EMT333.COM Becuase i get the emails instantly.
  10. Hi guys , It's been a while but I'm back on the Air cab prodject and have a bit of a problem. I bought an OEM kit from a Rmodel and they sent me the 2 main brackets that hold the Cab in the front.( see pics of the juck yard truck). My question is,Can I keep my currect brackets even thow they are a bit different? Also The brackets They sent have a treaded rod that runs from bracket to bracket almost like some type of sway bar. So how hard is ir going to be to convert my truck over to air cab? If i can keep my current brackets and due without the rod then it should be a snap. but if those style brackets and that treaded rod play a major role in the function of that air cab suspension then I'm screwed becuase they don't look like they would clear my tanks and battery box. If anybody has pics of their setup I would greatly appreciate it. I will attach a pic of my truck so you can see my tank and battery box setup. my truck junkyard truck
  11. sorry guys I forgot to post that I found one. Thank to all for the offers. I'm in the rockford IL area
  12. Hi guys, I'm looking for a drivers side door complete for my 1986 superliner. From What i understand its the same as an R model. Hopfully one of you guys have one in or close to IL .
  13. looking to put an air cab kit on my 86 Superliner....Let me know what you have. 779-221-6340
  14. Problem solved..Flywheel needed additional machining....Everythings perfect now....thanks . That 9 speed overdrive really made a big difference...I'm loving it!!!
  15. Problem solved..Flywheel needed additional machining....Everythings perfect now
  16. Ok.. heres the clutch Mack recammended. Is this the correct one? EATON 108050-59b
  17. Ok so i took your advise on the RTX-14609B. We swaped them out yesterday. My mechanic tells me that he's having trouble getting it in to gear from a stand still.He thinks it could either be 2 things. 1) the clutch pressure plate being bad or wrong clutch to begin with. 2) or the fly wheel is under spec and has to be replaced. Can you please tell me what is the proper clutch for my application? I called mack and gave them my specs and they recammended the clutch we put in. I'll get that # for you soon. All i know is that it was a 14" ,4 paddle ,8 springs with 1400-1450 pounds of torque. I have a glider kit so my VIN will be usless. ENGINE 239GB5450P2 MACK E6-350 NEW TRANS RTX-14609B Any info would be greatly appreciated guys.
  18. Hi all, I want to put dual 6" or 7" crome stacks and a SS visor on my 86 mack superliner. Has anyone here done this before? I would like to pc it all toghether since they don't seem to make kits for my truck. Anyknow where in IL i can go about finding these parts? or any where else? Be nicer in Il so i don't have to pay shipping. Also now That I'm here i'm looking for someone thats scraping a superliner so i can buy the cab air ride kit.
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