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Everything posted by smorse54

  1. Looks fantastic! Nice gloss! What paint did you use? Steve
  2. Finished sanding and sprayed it last night. Goind to hang the doors and put them together this weekend.And yes, I painted the doors hanging upright like Rob said so the color would be the same.
  3. I actualy saw one today on an old firetruck. It's a C/R Model 68 Brakemaster. Steve
  4. Looking for a real good EN 707C engine. must be a firetruck version with dual ignition.This is in a R608 firetruck. Thanks, Steve
  5. WE had 2 MH models with this engine,T2050 trans. and 5.55 ratio carriers.You ran the engine between 1000 and 1700 rpm.Anything over 1700 they had nothing,but if kept in the designed operating range they pulled well.The only drawback to this setup was the fast low gear,making it difficult to get 80K moving from a standstill.Steve
  6. It looks like a Chicago Rawhide to me. Steve
  7. Got all the patches welded in and smoothed with body fill.Put on a couple of coats of self etching primer last night. Tonight it will get epoxy primer.Saturday it'll get blocked down and finally painted base/clear. Then next week on to the hood then the sleeper.It's been a long row to hoe but srtarting to take shape.
  8. Here's some more pics
  9. There really wasn't a matched pair of B-73 Macks, I clicked the add it button twice. And I think the brown 761 is a 760 cause it has a forward position front axle. A few more pics:
  10. Don,no it has 2 sticks. Got lots of pics at Cortland.I'll put up a few here. We'll start with Macks I saw by the Brockway Museum. The B-73 was nice,the Superliner 1 had a Cat engine and Superliner 2 cab with air ride and frame mounted muffler stands,very nice.The big red RW with the Mic-Mac sleeper had an E-9, nice truck. saw the Yarnall's green RW with the Restrite bunk,was hoping to meet Mike but didn't. The Brocks were fantastic too. Lots of time,money and sweat to make them this nice. The friend I went with remembered the brown 761 when it was new. He was a coal hauler and a Mr Cole? bought it new and only used it occasionly. It has only 8K miles on it. I've got about 40 more pics I'll put up a few at a time. Nice weather for a show, a good time.
  11. Don, no , I stayed home and worked on my junk. Was planning on Sun. afternoon but the rain hit . Almost like last year.Steve
  12. Don. I'll keep you posted. No 700 series parts.Don't have an extra grill cap on hand. Phil at Global should have one. Will I see you at Cortland Sat? Steve
  13. Doug here are the pics. Didn't know how to attach them to a PM. Thanks, Steve
  14. Jim. it belongs to a costomer. Yes it's really nice. They use it in parades and also for stanby.They have had it since new. Steve
  15. Mike, I haven't decided what to do yet. Was entertaining the thought of making it into a tractor with modern components.It would take alot of time and I still haven;t finished my Superliner yet.It's on standby 'til all the potatoes are in storage in case another truck has major ptoblems. It only takes a couple of hours to change bodiies.By November it will be good to go and I'll know by then what I'm doing with it.I'll let you know. Meanwhile I've got to figure out how to make this stop underlining all the words....Steve
  16. I'm looking for the 2 verticle guages that are on the left side. I believe they are water temp and oil pressure. They go in the blank hole in picture. ThanksIt's a 1951 85 LS 1569 fire truck
  17. We took the bulk body off the old 361 last week. The truck still runs fine, none of the seasonal help can shift the 5 by 4. Put the body on an S Model IH with a Roadranger, they can stumble thru the gears better.
  18. Pawel, worked really hard posting pics in test forum. Don't know now to put them here, so check it out.Photo1 is left front (primary)viewed from front.Note one way check valve on right. Photo 2 is top view of left tanks showing the mounting I described. Photo 3 is left rear(wet) tank. Photo 4 is my new alum. core radiator I just completed and installed. Photo 5 is right (sec) tank. Note check valve here also. Photo 6 is anso right tank. These have just been installed and lines are not secured yet. Hope this helps. Steve
  19. Pawel will take photos tomorrow and post tomorrow or Saturday. Steve
  20. Pawel, I have changed the mounting of my tanks so a photo of mine wouldn;t help you.I no longer have straps holding the tanks on.I have welded aluminum channel to the topside and bolted them to the battery boxes.A idea I stole from the new Mack/Vulva Pinnacle. Saves corrosion forming under the straps.Steve
  21. Pawel , the left rear tank is the supply/wet tank, the one in front of it is the primary and the single tank on the right is the secondary. All 3 tanks are the same size,10 inches in dia. and approx. 22 inches long. Hope this helps. Steve
  22. I haven't seen Stan in 15 years. This Superliner is pristine, as was his B-61 and R model.Stan is a true Mack fan and this truck shows it.Got to give him a call. Steve
  23. The rear of the crankshaft should have a slot machined across it and drilled and tapped to hold an adapter. The adapter has a male square that fits in the crankshaft and the other end has female spline drive for the p.s. pump.You will also need a new rear cover to bolt the pump to. Phil Young at Gobal can fix you up with the whole works at a great price.His number is 603-239-7008. Good luck, Steve
  24. HI, if neither the seat or cab will raise it's the little pressure protection valve. This valve limits air pressure going to seat and cab leveling valve. Don't know on an RD exactly where to tell you to find it, but it will be on an air tank.
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