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Everything posted by smorse54

  1. Not exactly. The hole for the lock cylinder is in a different spot. You can put the new style latch in the old door but the lock cyl. wont line up. I know this for sure 'cause I have an old CF door on my RWS. Steve
  2. Don,left you a message. Here's some pics of cab.Good and solid air ride cab.Cab corners are rust free,gutters are too.Doors in nice shape too.Interior is sparce,headliner chewed up.
  3. The old style left hand latch is 62QS325C right side is62QS324C.The 62QS424R is the new syle left side.You need the old style for your R Model. Steve
  4. You are certainly doing a first class job.Thanks for the update. Steve
  5. Looks great Don. You did a nice job on the old Brock. Haven't seen you around this summer. Guess we've both been busy.Steve
  6. Should wear reading glasses. That's a 1987.
  7. I'm going to be parting out an old Circle C '87 R 688. It has a good galvanized cab, just a little rust on lower part of doors. The trans. is a T2100 and am told it shifts well, no syncro problems.The carriers are 92 and 93's with alum. housings 4.64 ratio.It has 3 leaf (taper leaf) suspension with a good trunnion stand.Wedge brakes on spokes. Good rad and CMCAC. PM me with your needs and questions. Thanks, Steve
  8. Nice clean looking truck.If the blower is included it's a good deal.A blower setup will spoil 10 large all day.Would make somobody a good truck. Steve
  9. 4070A or 4070B? Steve
  10. looking for the right(passenger side) seat base for an air rde seat.This is the steel plate that bolts to the floorboard and the seat bolts to thisThis is for a RWS,but am sure all R Models are the same. Thanks,Steve
  11. Vlad.got back down there this week.Here's some specs: 21,930 cc (21.63 liters), 420 KW(535 HP),1800 RPM, 14.8-1 compression ratio. The generator is 400KW and 480 Volts. My camera wasn't ready to go when I was so left it behind. Steve
  12. I'll be back down there this week.I'll be sure to have my reading glasses so I can make out all the info on the tag.Maybe I can get better pics too. Steve
  13. It wont cause any problems,just smoke like a freight train if you aren't real tender with the throttle. Steve
  14. Good god man! What a bunch of wires!Glad it's you and not me.You are really doing a nice job on that Superliner. Thanks for the pics. Steve
  15. What little bit stays in wont hurt anything.At over $4 a gallon it's gotten to be expensive parts cleaner.But what isn't. Steve
  16. The best way to get the wear ring off is to carefully hit it with a small ball pien hammer.This will stretch it and it will come right off. Don't ever use a chisel or you can ruin the spindle.I would flush the rear with diesel fuel and use a rag on a broom handle or such to clean out the housing after the axle shafts are out.Enjoy the weekend. Steve
  17. Don,yes I've been using it since April.Only wanted 1 or 2 days a week but we're busy so it's been 5 or 6 days instead.Still not finished but working fine. steve
  18. Been doing a lot of vac work at the old Utica Club/West End Brewery in Utica,NY. Spotted this Man twin turbo V12 natural and biogas generator.Now it runs on natural gas but plans are to install a digester to harness the methane from the brewers grains.Nice setup.Thought you guys would like some pics. Steve
  19. Looks great Mike! Going to look just like your original.Nice job.Bet I know what bunk you'll be using. Steve
  20. Hi Ray,looks like you got your weekend booked. I meant to tell you I've got a few MH things you are welcome to.I've got a grill, the little panel that has "handle" moulded into it and a pair of new windshields.Next time your'e around we'll get together and I'll fix you up with it if your'e interested. Steve
  21. Your RW looks great next to the new ---Volvos--- I mean Macks! Steve
  22. Vlad,was good to finally meet you and your son at Macungie. When you were at Rose's you were about 20 miles from my home.They are in Greigsville,NY.Hope to see you again. Steve
  23. Some more
  24. It's off exit 5B on I-81.If I get back there I will get more pics and the name of the business. I saw a mack factory RW daycab with camelback suspension that had the carriers removed when I first drove in. There were a couple of good looking MB cabs sitting ther also.Steve
  25. I'm sure everything was for sale.Don't remember the name of the place but I'm guessing somebody on here is familiar with it. Steve
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