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Everything posted by smorse54

  1. There was a fellow in the Williamsport,PA area that got 1 million miles out of a 237 in an R model. It was featured in the Bulldog magazine about 20 years ago.it was sold and serviced by Susquehanna Motors from West Milton.The service manager at the time was Dennis(can't remember his last name) told me it was absolutely true.So there are some exceptions from the norm. Steve
  2. I've got 2 friends with pete 359's.One is a 1974 with a Big Cam 400, the other has a 1984 with a 3406B Model Cat.These are very nice work trucks and one advantage they have over us people with the old Mack trucks is they can readily buy parts.If they need a radiator they can order one at a Pete dealer, or from Detroit Radiator, or many other aftermarket sources. If they need exhaust parts once again Pete ,Grand Rock,Walker and the list goes on.When I needed these items for my 1984 Superliner the local Mack dealer said"sorry,no longer available". I'm certainly not going to knock the Peterbilt brand. Steve
  3. Mike,looks like a good project.Could you get a couple of pics of the Luberfiner mounting brackets sometime.I need to make some for mine.Thanks, Steve
  4. How's this coming along/Been waiting to see more pics.Sure looks like a first class job. Steve
  5. Hi,the T 2080 is perfect for driving next to the harvester.We use DM690 with E7-275 and E7- 300 for this.The rears are like 6.34 if I recall.All have the T 2080 and are slow enough,even when the digging is bad. Steve
  6. Yea Ray,been there a couple of times myself.A big bear of an adventure.Did you find head bolts?I remember you broke one in Iowa a while back.By the time it's all together you won't be bored. Steve
  7. Happy birthday Pat! Hope you enjoy your day and have a boatload more birthdays. Steve
  8. The interior is basically the same .Just the trim is different.The Superliner 1 used door trim,,an overhead radio counsel,a different headliner,etc.The R used a tan interior,on a Superliner 1 it was painted black and the trim panels were available red,black,blue or tan. Steve
  9. The Superlinet 1 shared the same frame as the Cruiseliner .It had a bolted on front section and axle mounted steering box.These were built from'78 to '84 and the last couple of years were built in PA. The Superliner 2 had a one piece frame rail and traditional frame mounted sreering gear.These were built from'85 to '93 and shared the MH chassis.Steve
  10. Ray,that's like parking your Lincoln and driving your Pinto and thinking you'll get used to it.Didn't work. Steve
  11. IAre you sure that hanger isn't repairable? I would tackle that myself. Unless there's damage I can't see I wouldn't hesitate to give it a try.Steve
  12. Hi,I would replace all the studs and gaskets. Use stainless steel studs when you do the job and be sure the exhaust pipe off of turbo is secured to bracket on bell housing.That will eliminate alot of stress on manifold and turbo mounting bolts/studs. Steve
  13. Is this what you have in mind? Steve
  14. The old 2 valve 350, i believe was an ENDT677 if memory serves,is a 672 cubic inch with series intercooling.The block is the same dimensions as the 673,but has a tip turbine fan and intercooler that take up alot of room.Have seen a couple of B models that have had these put in.A good engine in the day. Steve
  15. Happy Birthday Vinny.Keep the Mack spirit alive Steve
  16. Happy birthday Barry. Thanks for making this possible. Steve
  17. Mike, I believe '85 was the first year for these. Steve
  18. happy birthday Don! Hope you have many more! Steve
  19. It is normal for the reversing relay to bleed a minute amount if air when the parking brake is not applied.If it is blowing lots of air yes it's bad. Steve
  20. It is normal for the reversing relay to leak a small amount. it sounds like you also have a leaking problem with the parking relay valve.I would fix that first then check the reversing relay. Steve
  21. Nice pair of old R models. like the paint on the '69 and those East half fenders.They were bulletproof, blow a tire and beat them back in shape with a sledge.I had a piece of plywood for filling the gap between the seats so I could lay down .Those were the days. Steve
  22. Sorry, I checked and all I have has (from L to R) speaker, fan speed, A/C on/off,and temp.control. if I come across one I'll let you know. steve
  23. I'll check and get back to you tomorrow night. Steve
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