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mowerman last won the day on February 10

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About mowerman

  • Birthday 04/18/1956


  • Location
    Sun Valley, NV

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  • My Truck
    66 DM600
  • Interests
    macks brockway,lawn mowers harleys,sports, vacation
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Community Answers

  1. In New England friendlys is still pretty popular
  2. When I was a kid they were everywhere when we had allots soda fountains around I wanna say friendlys still uses them .. similar version thanks for that and have a ball with it… bob
  3. Ukraine has already got way too much out of us …. We were not supposed to funding thier entire war … helping out would have been fine but if coarse dumb dumb was ok with giving free never ending taxpayer money away .. frankly I think king trump otta just cut them off entirely… if Russia wins life goes on . Babba
  4. That’s amazing it still works wow
  5. we used to have a bird feeder but pretty quick it was invaded by pigeons they took over and nothing else would come around,,,we usually have lotsa birds here especially summertime but we dont fill the feeder anymore,,,,love birds they make me happy
  6. you know thier like welders,hot tubs ,trampalines swing sets,pools,,,,your only going to sell so many,,,and not everybody needs or wants them
  7. yes ford has preached over here,,,nobody wants EV heavy trucks,,,and even thier cars are not selling,so far people with F150s are saying EVs are saying once you put a travel trailer behind them,,,the batterys drain right out,,bob
  8. haha me too,,,,my pops was pretty fair but when he told me to do something,,,,it better be done right away no storys,,,bob
  9. im thinking the smiling boy is on deck for the next stick position
  10. you have some tough birds there tom,,,,,same here with the long long shifts snowstorms create ,,,,retirement,,,,i usually dont have to leave my property,and most times i dont even have to go outside...bob
  11. but dont forget everyone gets a participant trophy....ok so the babe ruth has to walk off with the same award as the benched,,,lol.bob
  12. best wishes bud,and have a swinging day
  13. lol you know whenever i would stop anywhere there was people around and i had to leave the rig for a few minutes,,,,,i would always look everything over especially all the latches,,,triple trailers i didnt trust anyone ,,,,people pulling your pin stealing light cords,stealing fuel,,,you never know,,,,i never did find a problem but better to be aware at all times is she stealing fuel,,,,it sure looks that way,,,,bob
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