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mowerman last won the day on March 22

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About mowerman

  • Birthday 04/18/1956


  • Location
    Sun Valley, NV

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  • My Truck
    66 DM600
  • Interests
    macks brockway,lawn mowers harleys,sports, vacation
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Community Answers

  1. frankly, I’m starting to think it was just another excuse to do nothing today. I have lots of important ideas? Trying to get out and do something is starting to be a little bit of an issue lately. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but hopefully it passes. I’m generally not this lazy and looking for excuses
  2. and no sky dog it’s the other way around, but thanks for asking
  3. well, this guy is good with guns and he’s a friend of mine right now a disability I bought a brand new rifle 12 years ago and I never used it. I was going to bring it over there so he had something to do and maybe a few bucks.
  4. And yes, TJ I was also thinking that directional was on the top. That’s just what it looks like.
  5. I’d make sure your tires are not wobbling first lol bob
  6. That’s all out shop used to do tow in and most cases the truck would go nice and straight down the road…. Good luck.. bob
  7. You know a decent library has much of that in thier inventory you can gather your information and then return the material good luck … bob
  8. racest drag queens,,,,both of them
  9. Wow, thanks for that. That thing sounds bad ass.
  10. Yeah that’s what we had with a clock on the front and speedometer… I actually used to have one in my garage to long ago dont remember where it came from or what I did with it… aaaaaaaahhhhhh old age isn’t it wonderful.. lol bob
  11. Oooooooooohhhh by the way Geoff response to your last post…. Engines are going 1 million miles these days allots times but can nickel and dime one with never ending electrical issues that require very expensive towing,diagnostics, and replacement parts.. bob
  12. Well so much for retirement got taxes today gun cleaning appt send off title post office finally finishing off motorcycle sale started 7 years ago … then I noticed yesterday my steering box is leaking like mad and way more than I realized and must be addressed very soon I better get the valve adjustment done and get it turned around also noticed one of my leaf springs is sagging… oooooooohhh goody another issue … Bob
  13. Well, you certainly got a lot there to work with have a ball. Thanks for the update….. bob
  14. Not sure if there’s anybody older enough to know what they are… Brocky might be our only bet lol bob
  15. OK, I used to use them at nissens thought possibly first generation of them… bob
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