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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. They’re not set up for sale very often
  2. We used to use high powered Velcro. It was clear it would stick so hard. It would not be able to come off at all. Getting it off. Was really a bitch if you didn’t want it anymore just another choice.
  3. And Tom shit happens that’s messed up I
  4. Add Tom I put that DM together a long long time ago
  5. Oh, I see Joey. There’s a mirror back there. I didn’t notice that at first.
  6. oh, I thought there was two of them
  7. Excellent sounds like you’re well in your way pretty crazy about that one bearing
  8. Like wow man some really cool shit I like those cute little busses amongst most all of it … bob
  9. Glad you found them easy enough. I thought they were gonna be a little bit of an issue. You probably did too.
  10. found this bottle ill be using for interior,,,put drivers wheel on,but front air brake pots together,,,those were a bitch trying to scrape chrome off of very small parts and started on engine
  11. heads,,,,,,they had tits sticking out of the brock to except heads,,but thier wasnt any holes on thebottom of the heads,,,,design flaw i guess,,,but thanks for the heads up,or glue down lol.bob
  12. thanks im jumping on it in a minute,,,,yesterday was hectic around here
  13. they were looking for plow drivers here a while back,,,i thought about it for around 3 seconds and said no i dont think so,,,too many stories of plowing around the clock,lol.no dice,,bob
  14. ya somebody got a hell of a deal.wow,,bob
  15. sounds like you have the same problem ,,a few years back reno was a very small town and there was nobody here i take the bus alotta times around here you can ride it all day long for $1.50 and it stops at abuncha places that i go to,,bob
  16. Wow thanks for that way cool rig
  17. Excellent thanks for that
  18. Man you said it it looks to be all chained up as well
  19. Touché Mark keep them coming bob
  20. I guess it’s a good place to find all kinds of stuff. I don’t use them. My wife does. She’s always on it. Good luck.
  21. just checking online we have a huge arts and craft store. It’s only about 2.9 miles from here. They carry model supplies along with testers and I am always over there in the area for one reason or another. My gym is over there. It’s nice to know I could just go in there for something I forgot all all about them
  22. I do remember it took a months and months to produce one I can go dig mine out in about two minutes
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