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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Thanks for the photos. Looks good and really doesn’t look like it’s been beat to hell. Good luck with it.
  2. Best of luck I’m going thru the same thing right now … bob
  3. I was also thinking that I enjoy all the cake and ice cream with this administration. Next go around will probably be right back to where we were.
  4. Yeah, bring it ….not too many of us. Hold back anything … bob
  5. I’m sure that’s still available through Mack dealer good luck
  6. Yeah, happy Sunday to you. It seems like you just got that thing.
  7. Hey, good luck bud and don’t settle for less looks to be in really good shape
  8. okay had to snap this picture,,,,not only over 3 bucks with the tax,,,,but thier calling this bottle 20 oz and the bottle doesn't look anywhere near that big
  9. Great score we would love pictures… bob
  10. Yes, five bucks easy a good friend of mine had an old50s coke machine work perfectly already restored he recently died didn’t have any next of Kin here one sister in New York me and another guy that used to be close to him. don’t have any idea what happened to all his stuff. The other guy worked with him and he hadn’t been to work in a couple of weeks and he drove over to his apartment and his pick up truck was out there and he wasn’t answering the door. He called the coroner. They came out and they would not tell him anything because he wasn’t a relative kind of a shitty story. And yes, he was inside not moving.
  11. That was excellent hippy. Thanks for that. That chick certainly explained it all and yes, they blew a lot of smoke up our asses too.
  12. ya my pete had those but if a passing car is sitting slightly back they cant see those at all
  13. Ah the good ole days… Tom we can go on and on
  14. that was great thanks,,,,and by the way i dont know how vegans dont starve to death,,,also i thought the same thing about them first time heard that had something to do with star trek
  15. haha thats quite a run down,thanks for that,,,all your gears look new,,bob
  16. i dont remember too many prices way back when,but here recently 2 bucks for a snickers bar and 250 for a coke,whaaaaaaaat last i checked they were 10 cents in the machine
  17. oh i knew that selfish Chisler was not willing to budge an inch,,,,that would have solved alotta problems over there,,,wow
  18. wow thanks for that bob
  19. thats terrific,,,sometimes it just takes a little searching and patience good luck,,bob
  20. best wishes bud,,,and have a ball...bob
  21. i cant believe these days dot is ok with eliminating the side turn signal lights,,,,frankly i feel that is very dangerous,,,,
  22. nice going bud,,,,always nice to have friends in high places,,,bob
  23. Oh and yes ,,,, like the chick
  24. Haha you have more than we do but still quite a few yet most times they both fight over the same toy
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