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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. I think those trucks are in Fresno. Seems like I’ve seen them around there someplace parked, but that was 30 years ago…. Bob
  2. I saw that on the news I thought that guy was from here… bob
  3. Excellent thanks for letting us know. They both look amazing…. Bob
  4. Nothing wrong with that Bubba ha ha just gotta be careful how you use them… bob
  5. That’s pretty much half of my yard Tom just like you explained other half looks like another country… bob
  6. You know that’s impressive. The fellas are still using that old shit out there. You never see a DM or an R model anywhere working around here I did see a R600 in Carlin Nevada a few months ago at the pilot the guy was waiting for the fuel pumps no trailer . I didn’t have a chance to talk to him. It was red pretty good shape. I was wondering if it was somebody on here. As Mecho mentioned a while back everything is 379 Peterbilt now. Bob
  7. Nice going Bob. Thanks for that and yes, happy Easter little late. We had a lazy day although we did watch church service on the computer. That was pretty cool. Got a little work done on my garage not a whole lot. It was rather cold and windy and snowing. Bob
  8. Thanks, TJ we already spent like five grand on it for some sort of 50,000 mile replacement of a bunch of shit. I think they changed it. Not sure what that was all about, but it was customary as what they told us, which is a very rabbit shop. We’ve been going there for years. They are not cheap but they don’t sell you anything you don’t need…. Bob
  9. Just when you think you’ve heard at all thanks for that… bob
  10. We also have a 2018
  11. We had an oil leak on our explorer and jackasses didn’t want to warranty it. They said it wasn’t leaking enough to repair it. You gotta be shitting me so we had to pay our local garage to do it … even complained to the Ford complaint department and they were on the dealership side so what are we supposed to do? Wait till it’s pouring all over the garage floor…. Jerks..
  12. I don’t know I had a 62 F600 and It looked exactly the same as that one… bob
  13. Wow, looks like I missed out on the latest. Thanks for letting us know. Looks great…. Bob
  14. I think I probably might have mentioned this before. I don’t think most of us thought you were going to get so deep into this project. That’s excellent. Many pets on the back ha ha coming along nice thanks for letting us know…. Bob
  15. i’ve had really good luck with the Mustang and the Explorer but I did have my water pump leaking on the Mustang after 39,000
  16. Yeah, but all said and done you still have to get put out …. Bob
  17. And yes, it seems like most of us live in areas with the weather seems to suck most of the year not too much reason to go to Home Depot, except for ice. Melt lol.. bob
  18. Oh boy, I thought you were talking about the Ford. I was just at Home Depot Friday night. I had not been there in a long time either.
  19. OK,vlad now you know that’s just hilarious… bob
  20. Oh gotcha I thought that was a recent photo and yes, I had a 67 4 x 4 with a snow plow but that was also a long time ago. Hadda a lot of rot on it. But it ran real well sold it around 77 and bought a 70 Chevy 4 x 4 also snow plow..: bob
  21. dont know how i missed mechos last message ' ,,,,my sister says same thing about massachusetts,,,,shes retiring from mass general and moving to s carolina bob
  22. doesnt take long to fill it right up with shit,,,,we dont even need and dont want to throw out,,,,just have to rearange a few things and the added shelf should handle all of it...bob
  23. Well, no progress on the DM this week and either weather went to shit but I went to Home Depot and picked up supplies to put up another shelf and my garage for more storage was gonna start putting that in, but it was too cold out there yesterday . Hopefully, I can get outside today and at least start on the shelf that I’m doing my damnedest to keep all our shit put up and not taking up floor space so far I’ve done a pretty good job
  24. Isn’t that Tom? I am not sure that thing would look better under me ha ha… bob
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