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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. mowerman


    That’s the way grocery warehouses used to operate 15-20 trucks all same time waiting and waiting and waiting finally get in the door then they drag thier feet pulling the shit out thank god I wasn’t on that job very long
  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh rite!!!!!! Hell almost missed this one lol bob
  3. Simply superb!!!!!!!!enjoy bud
  4. Yes and im afraid i forgot the fact that rushing does not help at all I should have been a little more patient
  5. Yes, I remember that old trick from the old craftsmans when I was a kid watching them , they would always use oil in fixing I’m doing the same thing I make my second attempt at that plate. I think I can punch the old drills out from my back right now I’m just changing the oil ,,filter, filter in lines. started pulling them apart. Yesterday did not finish. I’ll get out there today. Pull out the filter taking out the lines tomorrow. I’ll stop at Freightliner and see if I can get the replacement parts sock filter. New lines just woke up still drinking or I should say, just started drinking coffee, wound up buying a bunch of oddball wrenches at a swap meet around 25 years ago bunch of hand wrenches were like 10 bucks. Turns out one of them has been toolbox. All this time actually fit one of the flanges like man are usually don’t get that lucky to have an open and that actually fits, once you get over 1 inch I usually don’t have one
  6. Do you know the old story goes Joey you don’t work you don’t eat ha ha get a clue
  7. Never heard of them over here Paul, what I am buying a drillbit I generally go by the appearance already started the oil change process, drained the canister and remove the oil lines. I will get new parts Monday night and continue. Thanks for your input.
  8. Unless I’m missing something, just set the new pump where the old one was set at… bob
  9. Speaking of turn signals, my brand new Peterbilt has a sound effects built into the dashboard so you don’t keep leaving them on if I ever see it again it’s still in the shop for the fourth time
  10. True story my ex mother-in-law used to drive one down in Los Angeles in the 80s
  11. But then, again, you’re not gonna be able to put anything big on it with side rails
  12. I would do steel side rails otherwise you’re going to overboard the boards ha ha if that makes any sense
  13. If you absolutely have to do more to it, I would put side rails on. I think that would dress it up….bob
  14. Lucky you I’m trying to put my winter guard lawn fertilizer on weather hasn’t been worth a shit I have to wait till Thursday so it’s not freezing and put the shit down in the dark … boards look amazing thanks for that
  15. mowerman


    We have an entire line board full of them over here. These kids will get away with anything they could possibly pull off. If they don’t think they’re gonna get in trouble for not dealing their job pass it off to the next guy basically work, ethics in general have gone out the door. My company has got some of the laziest people I’ve ever seen as a result as usual somebody else has to cover what they did not do.
  16. mowerman


    Not too much of a comment here but yes, I have noticed that for a lot of years even back when I was in lots of folks, choose to do as little as possible, and take full advantage of the fact I can do absolutely nothing, and cannot be fired probably even worse these days my philosophy if you don’t want to work, there’s the door it’s a simple as that
  17. I know my shepherd does not have one, but all my players in the sector,shaft bushing but I’m sure he would’ve noticed that it’s very common for the gears to wear out after a long. Period good luck. Bob
  18. There’s plenty of work around here for a water trucks. I would consider putting that to work retirement gig apply absolutely have to keep driving 1 mile a day and a 66 R model I guess would be OK. At least wave goodbye to long as road trips with icy roads and no more tire chains ha ha.
  19. It’s always nice to have extra space…after I put up the garage it’s a little harder to get anything bigger than a twin drive tractor in the back yard bob
  20. Me too I think he was asking me if he could store it here if that’s the one ,,, I don’t remember the V8 part bob
  21. Not sure if any of you fellas had trouble with these wife bought me a nice big selection drill bit box of yrobi these drillbits are very sharp, but they break real easy. That’s what I was using to drill out those bolts. I went and bought DeWalt this time they look like they’re a lot stronger let’s give those a shot.bob
  22. Well, I do plan on changing the oil and filter and the oil lines. It’s already cold here in the morning that’s about it for this week had not really thought of this. That oil has been in there way too long. I’m embarrassed to tell you fellas just how long but decided it’s got to go and fresh stuff poured in ha ha maybe change the maxi brake valve I have a new one. This one has been leaking the entire time I’ve owned the truck.
  23. All great ideas fellas I would not do anything to it except treat the wood as you’re doing Matt again fabulous work. Thanks for sharing not sure if I mentioned this, but I didn’t think Saturday was ever going to get here… bob
  24. I’m assuming he’s talking about the shit weather we’re already having ….25 this morning ooooooooooohhh goody pellet stove burning happy Friday fellas…Bob
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