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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. another option try local muffler shop you would be surprized they have all kinds of stuff that would compare good luck...bob
  2. Plus, there’s no hot chicks we know it wasn’t windfall ha ha yes personally I always really appreciate a great breakfast. We have a few here in town with fabulous plates chicken fried steak and eggs baby ha ha
  3. I have never been camping in my life I would like to try it just wants to say I did it And yes, his trip sounds amazing. I am afraid oh I am a little bit envious ha ha it would be nice to travel somewhere where you are not always trying to beat the clock.
  4. We were also talking about that tent trailer we decided it’s easier to fly and get a hotel bob
  5. Well you know I don’t know about you fellas but Home Depot here rents just about anything engine crane would be the ticket. I’m fixing to buy one shortly myself I am pissed harbor freight wanted 179 now it’s $100 more after.. but they are a lifesaver. He could also use one of those not that much to rent one wheel dolly. Yes, of course that’s the ticket, but as you mentioned. Ca Ching ca Ching and as an individual, how often would you need it?
  6. I was wondering if you tried watts B model store I thought I saw ads if not, if I were you, I would buy a bunch of sheet metal and just build your own good luck
  7. Don’t know if you guys deal with Amazon but try them, they have everything for your manuals good luck bob
  8. Hey, welcome aboard bud it sounds like you’ve got quite the rig there I have heard Australian Mack dealers are very expensive. Sorry I can’t give you any information on it.bob
  9. Oh by the way bud thanks for shaking up the website. Hasn’t really been anybody on here lately.bob
  10. I used to run through there every night years ago… after 9/11 you can’t even park along there anymore and look over the side. This is what they tell me anyway, I haven’t went through there in 30 years.bob
  11. Someone did a nice job on the interior love the gauge panel also… thanks for that.. Bob
  12. And yes ,,, there’s shipping ,, looked into rebuilt steering box Florida to Reno 1200 bucks plus 900 for the part…. Forget it
  13. Man, what a cool story glad you had a swinging time and made money. I thought the trailer was a lot bigger, but that thing must’ve been a breeze to pull. Thanks for sharing. Yes Arizona has gorgeous scenery. I wish I would’ve moved there instead of this. Ice Haven and yes 102 dry heat is not bad at all. We get it here a lot. I am out there working on it. Bob
  14. I’m thinking after all this money and effort maybe you need to start making money with it ha ha ,,,amazing .also, you mentioned the ride , if I would’ve had to take a wild, guess I would have thought that the B model would’ve rode better… bob
  15. I forgot to mention, even if you use the grease Paul suggested, which is a fabulous idea. You should have somebody helping you because the duels with everything connected are very heavy. Good luck…. Bob
  16. OK Tom, that was hilarious. I Even showed the wife. you’re just so clever…. Bob
  17. That’s for the front the rear yes, Paul is pretty precise on that greased up board as the ticket… again if you have a pallet jack it’s a lot easier for the rear rear or the front good luck bob
  18. Unless you have a pallet Jack and a helper or an engine crane you’re better off to take off the tire,and rim otherwise everything is too heavy together good luck bob
  19. Well, they sure all had cool haircuts bob
  20. Not even sure if this is the same guy I do remember the last video he posted of driving it. It sounded real good, but it was the LJ … bob
  21. But Block I forgot all about that
  22. Gotcha I don’t travel very far just put in a ton of hours … bob
  23. Hell I would like to have one just for a yard ornament.. bob
  24. I think I have at least one of those on mine that has a variety 10 tires. Every one of them is different.
  25. Well, my Yankees sure took a big dump this season one and nine right now right at the bottom …GEEEEEEESUS!!!!!!!!! Bob
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