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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Do you know everybody? I talk to here recently mainly working folks we all agree. This is not the country we grew up in nobody could figure out how it got so corrupt, but we are not allowed to demonstrate God no
  2. pretty impressive,,just spotted this.thanks for that..bob
  3. We have all made bad decisions. I’ve got a pretty good job now, but I am kicking myself that I didn’t start working there long ago. My retirement would’ve been a lot bigger welcome aboard my my dad‘s friend put two kids through college with a shoeshine box but that was back in the 40s and 50s When everyone was using them
  4. I read a while back somewhere the guy that actually drove the truck in the movie movie bought it a while back he has got to be ancient. I was only 13 when it came out … Bob
  5. that was great guys got some lungs....thanks bob
  6. I didn’t see any Cadillac just a doll and shorts ha ha thanks for that Tom my smoker weighed a a ton I got it brand new for free from a friend of mine that was moving into an apartment so when I had to take it off the porch so we could paint it. I wound up giving it to the guy that painted the porch he was a friend of mine. I just gave it to him since I never used it yet.
  7. Well, I was supposed to do some work on my truck today, but I drank too much at the airport paying the price right now I am looking into making one of my old 8 mm movies into a DVD trip reminded me there is a 57 Brockway and I let my dad was driving And I am in it, but I am only two years old
  8. And funny thing about that restaurant. If you look at that big fat, goofy guy that owns the place, you would never imagine he would put out a fabulous dish like that.
  9. That looks amazing. My wife does a really good job on fixing me meatballs. I’m not sure what she does but they’re just like home fresh French bread from Raleys supermarket expensive chain. We have here you guys I’m sure I have never heard of them but between the old ladies cooking and the bread they’re pretty good and no don’t worry about stomping any treads . We all do it. . Great conversation.
  10. Oh OK clearly you have the same issue there’s only one restaurant in town that sells real good ones. In fact it’s the first sandwich on their list. I had a really good one there at the show. American legion there a real good job on them.
  11. You definitely deserve 15 stars for driving all the way out to Homer if nothing else to say hi to me thank you so much for doing that. You are truly the best I want you all to know this guy is awesome. Thank you so much for doing that if nothing else you were worth, the entire trip bud thank you
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  12. If nothing else deli sandwiches out here, just do not compete with the East Coast last sandwich I had was a Philadelphia cheesesteak just don’t know how to put them together out here and if you asked for a sausage sandwich out here, they look at you like you’re born with six legs
  13. Just for the record Brocky that was our amazing experience. Thanks for all your help. I know I’ve mentioned that before but the trip was like way worth it. I haven’t had so much fun in a long time.
  14. It was definitely way worth the long trip and you made the entire trip worth it … Bob
  15. You know bud you definitely deserve a 15 star effort for driving all the way out and back probably just to say hello,,, very special thanks to you you are truly the best…. Thank you so much for showing so much effort …. Bob
  16. YouTube Bubba I go there for every difficult maneuver had to use them to Greg or out how to take apart my clothes dryer. Good luck. Made it to LA no four hour layover. Sounds like time for the bar. Let’s see if they serve paps blue ribbon and Jack Daniels.
  17. I should think improper engine oiling
  18. Boats are the best like dogs everyone should own one
  19. That was the plan, but I wound up at the wrong place at the wrong time. That was what I was hoping for I was standing on the wrong spot.
  20. Heh I knew they looked familiar. I had them on my 62F model.
  21. That sucks Paul don’t know what you’re missing
  22. Yes, I was having such a ball there. I hated to leave. I wanted to walk down the entire length one more time, but my legs were already killing me.
  23. I took tons of pictures and videos. I am sure it’s in one of them.
  24. Right????????? Lol
  25. You got it Tom exactly what happened to yellow corporation I still think for the most part it was miss handled moneys Bob
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