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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. According to TJC my F150, I paid 23,000 for 15 years ago has only dropped 7000
  2. Not here of course lots of them around the perimeter of the Statue of Liberty every which direction ha ha
  3. That’s what I was thinking there’s a lot of them around both engines
  4. Yes, mine had to be in gear main box auxiliary in neutral then there was a third lever for the PTO operation
  5. Yes, since you’ve got 12 opinions, interesting to see which one works ha ha
  6. I am just sitting here thinking wait a minute if the main box is not in gear, the auxiliary gears are not going to turn at all. Ha ha as I mentioned, I haven’t use my PTO and over 25 years. My DM used to be a dump truck took the body off years ago.
  7. I’m thinking on my 66 it was man box in gear, auxiliary in neutral .. ancient post I’m sure this guy already got it figured out it’s been a long time since I had the dump body on it… Bob
  8. I had the 300 in a 65 galaxy I didn’t have it long. I bought it for $100 and then sold it to my sister too bad you can’t find out for 100 bucks now but I do remember the engine was pretty peppy for a six banger… three speed on the column. Don’t see many of those nowadays, either… hey Tom, keep the truck ha ha. Bob
  9. I’ll bet Joey Mack or Craig N might be able to help you good luck..: bob
  10. Ha ha with all the hooray about the H model hell I almost forgot about that thing I was trying to figure out what you were working on ?????? Bob
  11. I was just thinking my mom told me that way back in around 1964 when she was working for international house of pancakes back on those days they didn’t even call it IHOP yet and I am not even sure if they served anything other than breakfast back then.. Bob
  12. Also, I would be working on the truck this morning after breakfast but I got to go turn in an application for a passport since we’re going on a cruise to Alaska next summer. I wanted to get it over with then my tractor is over at Kenworth air conditioner took a shit Three weeks ago and it’s still over there. They can’t figure out what’s wrong with it and I lost the tractor and the last bid. I mentioned that so now I have to drive all the way over there to get my CB and my XM out of it. I am a little pissed at around 12 miles from here and I really don’t feel like going over there . But I gotta get it done. since I’ll be down south of Reno anyway, it will only make it 5 miles out of the way each way that sounds a little easier. Ha ha.Bob
  13. My wife travels to Boston quite a bit. She has grandbabies there my stepdaughter and her goofy husband she was telling me she still sees offsite Mack’s , still on the job I said that’s amazing
  14. Do you know I’m not sure if I mentioned this or you noticed it but back a few miles the other away they seem to be a pretty big hit. I tried to sell it a couple of times out here and I couldn’t get anybody to even respond at all …twice I advertised it no takers, so I guess I’m stuck fixing it. Yeah that was driving me crazy I couldn’t figure out where they’re coming from and I am in swarming everywhere. It seem like they would get pissed if I try to go near that truck two or three of them just buzzing around me like hey bud get lost this is our area. Glad I found them. Believe it or not I really don’t like killing too many insects. I ordinarily just let them be y’all might think I’m crazy. I think it upsets the echo balance. That’s the case. I really didn’t have too many choices. Bob
  15. Ok I think I found the motherload of hornets saw one flying in to an old shed I don’t use anymore and there was a huge nest maybe Hold 50 of them I sprayed the hell out of it they were dropping immediately maybe I can work on the DM shortly without them swarming all around me
  16. OK that’s just hilarious… Paul I pretty much feel the same way. I think the closest guy to me on here is 450 miles away. There used to be a fellow on here third wright brother I could walk to his house. I actually met him one time, walking his dogs but he quit posting years back for some reason. I know some of you fellas remember him Russ
  17. As far as electrical issues, just a matter of time, you just might have dirty connections somewhere… truck is gorgeous… if I haven’t mentioned that … Bob
  18. I have been looking online at Seems at least . A couple of outfits pop up that still deal with ancient artifacts like we have … bob
  19. right???????
  20. My mom told me when I was a kid a frappe was made with real ice cream a milkshake was not at least in New England
  21. Well, here we go, stepping all over my thread ha ha. I guess I started it who cares ….anybody’s interested we did lobster tail on the grill last week. I was a little afraid that we were going to ruin it, but it came out amazing. if I remember correctly, a buddy of mine moved to Maine I think he told me they call them grinders up there at least back in the 70s
  22. Got the same problem with mine. Oh sector shaft bushing. I’m still trying to find one haven’t really been looking too hard.
  23. No subs tonight in Barbaque steak and scallops corn
  24. I was going to bring that up. Thank you for that. Also, nobody out here knows what a frappe is lol
  25. 10 more days of freedom left yaaaaaaaaaaaaaahooooooooooooooo bob
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