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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Yes, we have the same problem here it used to be a cute little town San Francisco bay area. People have invaded this place too many cars too many lights too expensive and lots of jerks on the road.
  2. Well, at least I had a chance to remove the headlight panels and one turn signal before they started chasing late ha ha
  3. Well, there goes my plan for the morning just went to do some more work on the nose and there’s hornets swarming all around the truck. Looks like I’ll have to wait till evening and spray the hell out of it. They even looked annoyed that I was walking around it.
  4. But from what Brocky tells me there’s usually around 125 trucks show up …..my uncle had a whole fleet of brockways. If you missed it they’re under Stamulis brockways.
  5. No, I was talking about watts yearly show I usually go to … Bob
  6. Funny, you mention that I almost traded my last Harley for a 2002 jeep soft top Brand new top road lights, big tires, new it needed a wiring harness and my wife put up such a fuss I passed on it you’re not bringing any more old junk around here fat man that was four years ago guy replaced the wiring harness and is still driving it every day
  7. Hamms beer they even bring it up in a song turning his house into a bar and Tom that food looks amazing and Paul. I’m glad to see the princess was smiling, and I was wondering how she was doing
  8. OK now that’s just hilarious
  9. OK I drank too much last night already feeling more comfortable texting then getting in the shower and getting started ha ha I think all I’m gonna do today is just strip the nose of all steel turn signals hood latches Mack emblems
  10. Entire trip usually cost me a couple of thousand but I don’t do anything else. All year except travel with the old lady with her running. Ordinarily just overnight trips.
  11. I have been flying out every year lately to watts … just a real good time well worth the trip as I mentioned, we really don’t have anything like that out here. It’s mainly peterbuilt ,,, kenworth how many of them can you look at? Bob
  12. New York …..I’m not going to be at watts this year. I will be back there next year I’m flying out to SLC - JFK- Ithaca
  13. Oh, by the way, that meat looks terrific .. bob
  14. I am with Joey. No Tom do not sell it. I got rid of my 88—15 years ago. I’m still kicking myself. It was a running SOB…. Bob
  15. I couldn’t get rid of that old post somehow it won’t leave anyway Brocky would you believe I already change my flight plans around nine times now total I didn’t even open my last email because I figure I’ll probably get at least one more before Wednesday. Ha ha I think it’s hilarious. Bob
  16. Oh, it’s the best since sliced bread picked up safely goggles, sandpaper hornet spray a shelf for my inherited magic. Clock mother-in-law passed away, gave it to me and her will.. anyway yes the place is got everything for home improvements. I wind up going in there a lot of times, even for working on vehicles…. It’s a huge chain store not all of them have them but ours has a huge rental department. You can rent about anything in there very handy Bob
  17. Well, I’m picking up some more supplies tonight from Home Depot and more work on the nose. I’m pretty excited about that but I’m on vacation for two weeks so that’s not going to be the end of it. I am going to the Brockway show but other than that, I’ll have all kinds of free time let’s hope I just don’t stand around with my hands in my pocket most of it witch sometimes is pretty easy to accomplish…..ha ha Friday at last …bob
  18. Well, we all know the deregulations did not help us at all. Frankly, when I think back, I’ve been pounding shit ever since then ha ha.
  19. Well, that’s the way it used to be w we could pick anything in the yard according to your seniority All of a sudden they decided to start doing it a little different. I mean there’s really nothing wrong with a kenworth that was a bad choice of words that they were junk. I just prefer the Peterbilt oh fine the seats are not comfortable and the radios sound like a battery powered portable job you had when you were a kid, but they seem to spend more time in the shop than the Peterbilts . A bunch of us were bellyaching about it. All we got was, were trying to even out the mileage which made total sense. we started checking some of the odometer‘s oh well, one more year Bubba… Bob
  20. I was union in the 70s they were absolutely wonderful now they don’t do anything for you but take your money I’m lucky to be working for an outfit that just automatically hooks us up
  21. We got a coward thief, and a liar, and nobody seems to be able to do anything about it except bash Trump incredible while prices are soaring on everything and nobody does anything about it I feel sorry for low income folks, trying to make it in that shit. Pit society none of them even care.
  22. That was great. We need more people like that. I would definitely have their backs …… sorry I finally had time to watch it. Thanks for the post…. Bob
  23. Corporate America they just do strange things with no rhyme or reason we used to be able to pick any truck in the yard according to our seniority now they have a Different Way they claim thier trying to even out the miles I’m only going to be there another year. I was hoping to stay on a Peterbilt as i mentioned I don’t know if that’s what you were looking for.
  24. Not sure what you were looking for
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