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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Hey Tom, this one gets two thumbs up ha ha brilliant
  2. You probably remember me mentioning my company bought a bunch of them and got rid of them after a while they were nothing but junk
  3. Oh, wait a minute I was thinking about the other one where the guy shoots the girl’s husband and then goes to jail willfully
  4. Oh I got you. Yes I have heard it. I did not know that was Jason Aldean.
  5. Oooooooooooo by the way swishy thanks for the dolls
  6. Still waiting on barbecue pork ribs thier still cooking
  7. enjoy swishy all I got
  8. Not sure what you meant by that ha ha
  9. We are having a bit of a heat wave right now not usually this hot in July shooting for next Saturday for official start
  10. My little town is just way too busy now all of the time feel your pain
  11. Excellent man thanks that’s what I wanted to hear that’s what I was trying to do today at least get a start on it … I really haven’t spent any time on it to brag about in 20 years of so …. It always winds up back of the line finally today o had no other plans then it got too hot too fast 105 right now thanks again for your input
  12. Right?????????? that’s exactly what I was thinking, would fit right in
  13. Not surprised hey, jack ass about taking care of the country
  14. Another thing lotta times thier will be one sitting behind some senile old gleeps house that nobody knows about
  15. EBay they stretch out pretty far in everything, I think you might have better luck
  16. Back at you, my brother, and that hot peach or should I say inspector Clouseau with a pretty face lol
  17. most everybody carries cans there’s only one joint in town that sells bottles. I don’t know why that came out in italics this phone does what it wants sometimes ha ha don’t they all
  18. See you I got my stash already come on???????? this beer is much better in bottles. I buy both depending on what I can find
  19. not even 300 yet already for fist pop a top lol...bob
  20. was going to start sanding nose on DM its too hot for that today,,,weather is clearly perfect for barbeque and drinking beer
  21. as of now got absolutely nothing done but watch TV
  22. were doing more ribs corn potato salad cole slaw.....bob
  23. Showed a little footage on their weird event. Of all the makes they had to show a Mack pulling one of their floats my God, how embarrassing, ha ha that’s all I’m going to say
  24. Well, it’s too hot to do anything to the truck today so now I’m on the computer searching for a steering parts. I am making a little headway ha ha.
  25. Oh, so does the DM but I’m sure you already knew that
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