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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Walmart?????? Lol no comment … I don’t go there,,, but no I did not know what that was either… Bob
  2. Well, here it is fellas apparently it’s been moved from Cortland to homer this year. I will be there.Bob
  3. I am going to Cortland Brockway show this year to be on the safe side. I’m going to buy a couple throwaway cameras and have the pictures developed since iCloud keep deleting all my stuff not even sure if I can get any of it back.
  4. But thank God, the folks in the front and the back are both absolutely wonderful
  5. My boss was just telling me last week Sacramento is completely broke like wow man
  6. Yes, right here Bubba I’ve got one dirtbag on each side of my house, both on government assistance, both worthless as they come one side, just does Crank all day and walks in circles. The other jerk just stands on his porch, smoking cigarettes and watching everything I do
  7. he doesnt usually come here anymore but,,,best wishes anyway and have a swinging time...bob
  8. old bud of mine did overloads for years he hadda lotta cool storys he died around 18 years ago....he was telling me sometimes it would take him all day just to travel a few miles,,,he was telling my one time with a police escort ,,his load was so high,he tore out a traffic signal....copper said dont worry about keep on going,,,,wow..bob
  9. Somebody got us one for Christmas a few years back. It was a real neat idea, but the side towards the window was open so they used to make a mess on the window. We did enjoy it for a while.
  10. But I’m not usually that heavy between 90 and 95 with our lousy economy
  11. Oh my God you definitely got me beat I’m only 105,000 with triple trailers
  12. Oooooooooooo wait a minute I forgot sushi no I cannot get that in …., Bob
  13. I am off today schedule day off. I am spending it making phone calls I’ve been putting off.
  14. Do you know Tom there isn’t anything I don’t like put it all out there. I will eat it I did notice once I left the East Coast. Squash does not seem like a big hit out here, especially like Thanksgiving dinners nobody serves it.
  15. Wow I also bought a 83 Ryder it was a great work truck cruise liner 350 thermodyne 9 speed excellent j think Mack told me it had a Ross box ????
  16. Just me and the old lady lotsa barbecue
  17. My God, your life is just too busy. I remember the homeless cat. You also posted that hope your day went well. Ours was simple but delightful.
  18. Yeah, same here restless hillbillies waited till after midnight. How dumb can you get but you were right Paul nobody seem to make a big deal out of it this year for some reason we did have a nice barbecue no photos food was amazing and I took off to do scheduled day off
  19. I wish I was closer. I would run over there and grab all of it.
  20. Yes, I’m sure lots of folks are telling them to fly a kite !!!!!!!!! Ridiculous clearly it’s not one area it’s everywhere
  21. I would rather just have it done, right according to what I’m looking at. It looks like all the play in the Pitman shaft bushing.
  22. He said the shipping was only around 100 bucks both ways, but are you probably went through Fedex we’re good for huge discount for being employees
  23. Thanks again for all your help I have 3 big manuals a buddy of mine just had one rebuilt probably mentioned somewhere in San Jose. It might be the same place. He said it was relatively cheap. It was only around 250 but he has a 20002 F 600 Ford dump truck
  24. It looks awfully heavy frankly I would rather just sent it out and take my chances. Thanks for all your help and Joey I try to take some photos of the barbecue grill old lady already took half of the stuff off. She is a little sensitive now just lost her mom a month ago I can’t say anything.
  25. Our kenworth an Peterbilt rebuilt shop here in Reno our shop boss told me they usually charge fedex 1000 bucks so I was ready to open my wallet lol Bob
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