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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Available but not cheap… Bob
  2. Mighta been someone with plans on using the wrecker for part time side work… Bob
  3. I hardly think so I think watts b model store sells them
  4. I also think this is the guy that would argue with me that a 237 would do the same job as a 460 yaaaaaaaaahhhh rite lol bob
  5. Haha I don’t think so
  6. Something about the steering wheel angle and the extra shifter didn’t look right but I wasn’t paying that much attention… thanks for clearing that up
  7. I like watching the recovery show myself …. But most of what I’ve seen other than that show my God I don’t know where they find such stupid people… . They should send those folks a warning this is This is not suitable for intelligent audiences, strong stupidity lots of dumb dumbs … bob
  8. Although I have to say at least it looks like that guy did a really nice job on it. It’s not the worst looking at one I’ve ever seen and at least it’s painted.
  9. It would be nice if most of us had that kind of spare time to deal with ha ha
  10. And yes, Mecho,,, I am already out of likes … bob
  11. Must’ve missed it. Somehow your progress looks amazing. Thanks for sharing. Yes all summer events are the best especially barbecue and lawn mowing me and old lady or also usually pretty busy all summer. I still can’t get the DM in the garage yet till my dirt lot hardens up a little bit more real heavy, sloppy winter this year…. little league Games can’t beat it. I am always ready for any baseball. Best of luck to the little one. Bob
  12. A buddy of mine I grew up with since we were 10 he has his own body shop welds fabricates. He likes to build high price, t buckets and coupes on the side. He was just telling me last year he was building a Rat rod I didn’t say anything to him one way or the other but I couldn’t figure out that’s completely different, from what he usually does. Maybe just another challenge for him change of scenery perhaps not sure.. just kind of surprised me coming out of somebody as talented as him who knows.. Bob
  13. Must’ve missed this one. I don’t care for a rat rods either like someone said, lots of thought putting them together but they don’t do anything for me as far as destroying antique iron . That’s just disgusting. thanks for the post.Bob
  14. We had really good luck with our T 800 Kenworth a few years ago now here recently are 579 Peterbilt seem to be doing real well staying out of the shop And the Kenworth 680s are always in there . Bob
  15. Yes, that’s what I was going to recommend myself. Glad you got it open. That was the first thing I thought was everything was frozen over there… Bob
  16. And yes, Rob is way cool I don’t think there’s anything about Mack trucks. He does not know New and old guy is amazing walking manual…. Bob
  17. I have already ran out likes already. and thanks for that Tom. Clearly, your memory is better than mine. Ha ha… Bob
  18. I do remember when Budweiser had the coolest Super Bowl commercials. Usually use horses excellent what happened?… Bob
  19. Don’t forget Joey anytime they’ve got a situation like this when they put a few big mouths in front of the camera and make it sound like it’s a bigger issue than it is … Bob
  20. Oooooooooooooo never mind the turbo I see it’s naturally aspirated… Bob
  21. Excellent great choice take all injectors out and soak cylinder’s with mystery oil and oil and make sure turbo spins free as far as changing wheels.. to each his own but expect alotta running around for the parts… good luck bud… Bob
  22. There’s an outfit here in Reno construction. They are starting to buy some of those. I seen a couple out there this morning but yes, crazy prices these days. I’m just glad I’m not looking for a Truck…. Bob
  23. Have a swinging time bud and best wishes… Bob
  24. Back again there, bud this is not the country I grew up in … Bob
  25. Yes, there I am not sure myself my wife was just telling me the other day. Even Disney is starting to dip into this transgender bullshit. I was a palled.Bob
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