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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. we also went to this cool light show after the restaurant took a buncha pictures didnt post them all,,,, it was way fun bob
  2. yeah same here everyday drivers we usually send in as you said,,,theres not much we can do with them anyway i think last time i did any major repairs was brakes on my 88 F150 that was around 2008 bob
  3. And yes, my wife has got a mind of her own like all of them. Why don’t you just have me do it? All I hear is rah hah rah might as well just drop it off easier than arguing with the other side
  4. I don’t think I have any excuses for tomorrow but to work on the Mac little more attention on that left side oh lady hasn’t figured out anything to occupy my time tomorrow so it looks like I’ll be out there sometime tomorrow. I have to drop my wife’s explorer off for service, I’m sure I could probably do this but we usually have everything worked on by a reputable bro garage in town. Ask her if she wants me to do it. She will say no take it to the shop so I might have to get done with all that first.
  5. God love you I knew a beer drinker like us would know yes sir I am drinking beer as we speak. After all that yardwork. It was well earned you hear me ha ha and yes, that does sound familiar. The ad you’re talking about was a very long time ago.
  6. Do you know Tom you only go around once in life I think that used to be a beer commercial
  7. All right, done for a while. I shut off the sprinklers and drain the lines and closed up the swamp cooler. I guess now summer is finally gone.
  8. Well, he didn’t get a very good picture of it ha ha
  9. Same here fedex freight everything had the red
  10. lol just about done with this go around I’m going to have to tidy up again one the remainder fall off 1 filled 18 bags when I was working we had a yard service come down and do it. It was like 700 bucks to clean up and trim the trees. I did it myself this time but it’s a little harder when you’re working full-time.
  11. Also like the Skylark
  12. Sorry about that bud. I didn’t notice it was a Kawasaki OK so the Kawasaki looked a lot like my Yamaha 1100. I actually like the bike but I sold it to buy my first Harley.
  13. That first one reminded me of thunder Road excellent movie Robert Mitchum with his son. Also some good looking iron in it. Thanks for that Paul.
  14. Taking a little break from leave cleanup it’s coming along. I am about 3/4 done.
  15. My 67 looked a lot like that one I had a Yamaha 1100 that looked a lot like that Yamaha
  16. Oh wait a minute that’s right they don’t like tax cuts to billionaires…. And by the way hippy , I am trying to avoid going out and raking more leaves. Bob
  17. Not sure celebrities they are all rich and they usually vote for the rich now tax cuts for the rich . What’s the problem this time?
  18. Yeah Paul, I was unable to open it either and Brocky. I think he’s probably asleep. Seems like he doesn’t come around till around five-ish.
  19. Don’t really see too many sleepers going through here whether selling or wanted seems to be mostly Freight and construction trucks on here good luck… bob
  20. Yeah Bob there are allots shows I like on ME TV but thier on too late honeymooners green acres twilight zone dick van dyke
  21. I see why he’s always laughing…. We’re dumber than shit and all filthy rich
  22. Yes, I like combat. Also, it was on for a little while here about 10 years ago, but I am not sure if I explained myself about Hulu. You can just keep watching one episode after the next.of whatever You want Of course, as long as they have that show available
  23. We also have grit…. It’s on regular TV which was all we had until we got the ruku stick but regular TV included ME TV and antenna TV which is all old shows … I’m sure most of you fellas are familiar with it
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