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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. I have that one on my home computer that was when I had my back surgery and I couldn’t stand up any more than a couple of minutes Nice job bud I’m sure most of us are entertained
  2. I’ve had two of them brake and very cold weather but it was 25 years in between both cases… Bob
  3. OK that’s hilarious and Mecho frankly, I can’t believe the scales actually except this chickenshit airlines were using now for coupling devices amazing …. … Bob
  4. OK I’m thinking it’s super dog Mike or Rob one of them memory, fading fast it might’ve been longer ago than I thought bob
  5. Forget garage work benches tools yeah baby
  6. lol we all are ….. oil, bolts , auto, truck , mower parts … never gots old… Bob
  7. Just goes to show I guess greedy thieves been around since the dawn of the time bob
  8. I heard Mack almost went bankrupt right around 1965 mismanaged and the R model was the only reason they stayed afloat I heard from 68 to 70 they sold more Mack’s than everything else combined. I don’t know how true that is but when I was a young teenager, all the turnpikes were packed with them U R and F models… Bob
  9. Hey, happy Saturday fellas TJ do you remember I don’t know if you are on here yet somebody wanted to store an R model water truck over here a few years ago I tell them no problem I got plenty of room I can’t remember who it was. Do you remember??? Bob
  10. Also push-ups, holy cow that brings me back a whole lot of years best years of my life frankly.. 10 year old kid nothing to do but have fun… Bob
  11. Every time I see those man buns all I could think of is why don’t you just finish up with nails and full on lady attire,,,, assclown … plus the fact whatever it is is not going to perform a whole lot of labor and I would not hire for that reason. Yeah, I know you don’t like to get your hands dirty either ha ha.
  12. Great write up bud hats off to you couldn’t have said it better myself .. let’s face it. This guy is got a complete brand new truck now or will be soon. More snow today. Oh goody another deal way I can’t even drive mine into the garage yet with all the sloppy weather…. Bob
  13. Thankfully, most of that stuff is still available. Good luck bud. Glad you got it figured out…. Bob
  14. He’s becoming the new Rob4??????????
  15. What he said bud…. Was thinking the same thing..
  16. I’m surprised I haven’t run out of them myself
  17. That would be way too good for that worthless beast
  18. I thought of that also they were very common and ingenious idea my uncle used to run them on the brockways
  19. Wow and wow thanks for that Paul. Well, that’s some balls. Cool R model love that interior color Bob
  20. Getting back to the airlines I don’t think I would use them. They’re very handy for quick repairs, but for a longer service I would go with the traditional connectors pretty much what everybody else said …. Bob.
  21. Was just in batteries plus recently and I knew that was going to happen so I just threw out a year and model 68 Cushman battery. I told him it was for a 74 super beetle…. Bob
  22. Hell, I forgot all about those front brake reducers I even have one on my DM…. Bob
  23. Right on man welcome got my start back of a 49 dodge wayfarer lol bob
  24. Some how I knew you were going to say that yes hay hauler looks just what it should be Bob
  25. Back when I was a young guy, a good friend of mine did the same thing, auto body man built his own frame straightening machine just for automobiles that thing impress the shit out of me Bob
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