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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Oh my my my payback is always a bitch and nice to watch like to see justice done most of the time jack asses just get away with murder.. Bob
  2. Yes, I guess it was just bad lighting. It almost looks like really light olive and yes, at least you got all kinds of choices for the floors. I did like some of those pick up truck designs myself. Good luck…. Bob
  3. pretty good shape,,,,i think i remember UPS had alot of them.im not sure my memory is going really quick....bob
  4. thanks for that
  5. salt lake actually has a drive thru...
  6. well i dont use it as much these days because most of our trucks do day and night shifts now and the morning its too cold then in the evening it goes out with the night shift....so im not going to keep washing it for the night driver,besides they usually bring them back from donner pass filthy,,,and yes our wash bay is also outside.canapy ..lites bucket of soap and brush and hose...bob
  7. We just paid 899 at Costco but there’s 24 in each carton
  8. Excellent we have a washbay. I use it quite a bit. Bob
  9. off today bored to death too cold out to work in the garage,,,,was just poking thru your R model parts available wow pretty impressive..bob
  10. i remember when they moved the door handles from the middle of the door to the bottom,i didnt like that at all.to this day i still dont like the way they look.and yes im bored to death and pissed i was going to go out and work in my garage but its too cold and no sun,it was supposed to be warmer today..bob..
  11. been meaning to ask you,,,with that mighty fine looking rig.....it looks like it probably spends a lotta time offroad and pretty much impossible to keep it looking that way especially this time of year...bob
  12. as far as eggs go,,,,everyone is jumping on the jack the prices routine these days. they figured out thier like water and gasaoline...nobody can get along without them,,,,we discussed this before...lately especially wood is a fortune and its garbage have to pick thru piles at home depot to find straight boards and plywood,,,,bob..
  13. That’s pretty much the way my company still operates they will train guys off the dock to drive but everybody starts in the yard hostler have to do six months without any mistakes. If you hit something you have to get back on the dock and wait six months for another chance then if you pass that they train you on one pup and you have to do city work for six months before you can train on doubles.Bob
  14. Back on those days you couldn’t even hire on until you were 25 with five years of experience. Nobody would touch you unless you knew somebody. Bob
  15. Yes, we did have it made before deregulations most of us had to start on the dock loading trucks you could’ve just jump into a truck but it was all worth it huge paychecks, and a big pension the system drove all the good paying jobs out since everybody was out jippoing everybody all the union jobs disappeared, and as far as assisting in the newbies, they don’t want to hear it. They already know it all…. Bob
  16. this guy disappeared. Also, he was a pretty good hand. I have actually bought parts from him for my DM happy birthday bud if you get this. … bob
  17. Ha ha I was wondering what the point of the photo was that’s all I could think about was Junior’s past and present
  18. I noticed they couldn’t drop that computer deal with Junior quick enough we can’t possibly expose all this kiddy porn to the public … Bob
  19. My wife used to work there. She said they fry the chicken and oil that is so hot. The bone marrow leaks into the chicken. That’s why it taste watery. They must’ve got that figure it out because it’s real good now.
  20. You know, I don’t know about your area, but for years, I would not eat there, but around 15 years ago they did at an about face now their food is amazing
  21. Ever since we were talking about fried chicken, I have a craving to go down to Kentucky fried for a plate but right now they’re too far from my house. There is a closed down bar just down the street. I heard they were going to open one up right there, that would be wonderful. It’s only about 2 miles away. I will be in there all the time. I am sure you understand after 48 years of truck driving . I can’t stand to drive anywhere more than a mile or so.
  22. A little later I’m going to go mess around with one of my welders right now it’s still too cold. Supposed to warm up to 50 today that sounds more like it.
  23. Oh by the way, I am home today. You might be hearing a lot from me for a while. I volunteered to stay home because a lot of our bottom guys are not working. We are very low right now. Boss asked me if I wanted to take off he didn’t have to ask me twice ha ha.
  24. From what I hear they would prefer seeing them naked … Bob
  25. I think that’s why they were trying to get rid of Trump so bad eventually he was going to start cutting the unnecessary fat.. Bob
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