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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Truck looks terrific. I’m glad you got it home…. Bob
  2. Yes, I knew you were going to say something like that. That big gooseneck was a better choice. All makes sense…. Bob
  3. Oh, by the way, Joy, appreciate the flowers ha ha you’re the man you
  4. Who cares what it looks like I want to see the results probably would’ve been a bad ass. Sand blast cabinet.
  5. You need to borrow a timing light haha im I’m Not sure about that does not have a working timing advance. A lot of times the vacuum leaks will do that hesitation. but you guys usually hear them … Bob
  6. It would probably be worth more to somebody just for the driveline .. Bob
  7. Touché bud….. Bob
  8. I try to be straightforward these days. looking back constantly doesn’t change anything and doesn’t help my opinion is what do I need to get done now especially with retirement. I am really trying to focus on that that’s partially why I’m still working. but thanks for your input. Best way to invest what I’ve got to work with… Bob
  9. Oh, I tell you what brother that wasn’t the only big mistake I have made what are they say hindsight 2020
  10. I did get offered a full time position to drive for the movie studios, but I was too stupid to jump on it 40 years later, I’m still kicking myself yes sir, that was a very dumb move… bob
  11. OK now that’s hilarious
  12. I actually rode in it a couple of times they were using it to go get lunch and stuff one thing I forgot to mention that girl driving the car and singing was very bashful and didn’t really say a whole lot of just smiled a lot
  13. That car was rented. Also, it was on old mercury. There was a car rental outfit in LA called rent a wreck. They dealt with all kinds of older shit….. Bob
  14. Yes, that’s me in a white T-shirt. That’s actually the best photo I have ever seen. It’s really hard to see me since it’s just a short flash that wasn’t mine The truck was rented for the video. My ex wife was a hair cutter in Hollywood at the time and I got offended the gig by one of here clients they needed somebody to drive this truck I don’t remember the bread it was a long time ago it was either 1 or 200 bucks a day plus everything paid for including cigarettes and beer remember mostly lotsa hot chicks in the crew to flirt with and oooooooohhhh by the way every time you see the musician driving the truck they were towing it yes they also had a truck wrecker service they hired for that… it was a great time entire experience I hated to have to go back to my same old shit job at the time ha ha… Bob
  15. Damn that shit starting to look like something bring it over here. I will try it out. I’ll buy the charcoal. Ha ha
  16. Decided to put that on there I was going through my old cell phone checking out what was left on the photo gallery. I worked on a music video way back then they cut almost all of the truck scenes out of it. For some reason they left one little flash of me standing at a gas station talking to somebody. It’s just a tiny little deal you look up anywhere with you by rubber rodeo watch for the gas station scene. That’s me standing there and the white T-shirt. Talking to someone but I drove that brand new truck quite a lot of scenes as I said, I don’t know why they cut all that out… Bob
  17. OK now I’m going off the subject that was me in 1984 brand spanking new W 900 I got to drive in a music video … Bob
  18. Well, I’m finally to the point I can start working on it but now I can’t move it into the garage. My yard is a sloppy mess and if I try to move it across the yard it will sink in the stand. Plus the weather has been really lousy around here cold and snowing and raining but she’s all ready to start working on garage all set … Bob
  19. Thanks bud I’m hoping to have it look something like this soon… Bob
  20. The original video was taken a long time ago. In fact, I think my wife was still on a BlackBerry. Bob
  21. I noticed on my computer I had to click on the download box
  22. That’s what a freight train was telling me a long time ago. You’ll have to go through. YouTube is the easiest way. Thanks for doing that….. Bob
  23. Absolutely not I couldn’t of done any better myself I had to videotape the video tape to get it to appear in the first place but apparently some of these guys couldn’t see it bob
  24. Right on Bob thanks for your help. OK your fellow shouldn’t have any trouble now. Bob
  25. Besides, it’s only 1055 here. We still have to shop at Kohl’s and target.
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