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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Oh, that grouchy son of a bitch, DMV guy I’ll never forget him, and what he look like. He passed to me, but I never even got as much as a hi out of him.
  2. I do remember the salesman telling me I was doing a pretty good job with the two sticks. I told him I have a little bit of experience with them. I only broke in on a two stick an R model. Then went to the DMV with a two stick U model but that was it. I never drove one on the clock. Bob
  3. You know this is probably boring old people stories, but I got to thinking about B models and I think the only time I have ever been in one was 40 years ago I test drove a three axle B model they had for sale Los Angeles Mac dealership I was going to buy it, but I couldn’t get financed. They said the truck was too old to take a chance on….. bob
  4. Yes sir I hear you. I have also been in a lot of big rigs since 1960. and yes, I would almost swear I have seen two switches somewhere along the line. I have had a lot of antique cars as well through the years that I wish I had more photos of pretty crazy nowadays you just pull it out of your pocket and snap away what really boggles me as you can send it three thousand miles in a couple of seconds. … Bob
  5. Excellent man thanks for letting us know… Bob
  6. Oh, I forgot to mention if the sheet metal is in good shape, that’s 90% of the search for parts…. Bob
  7. Excellent good luck bud and have a ball with it from the photos sheet metal looks to be in pretty good shape… Bob
  8. Now more China lockdowns. What the f———-k is this?????? Why aren’t they just manufacturing here ?????? It’s not rocket science… Bob
  9. Absolutely nothing they do surprises me (IDIOTS)… Bob
  10. I believe the MR was using the same one for a number of years… Bob
  11. It looks like that one. It’s a little bit smaller three spokes black, and a little bit more square around the horn button.
  12. It looks like it has a MB steering wheel way cool
  13. Also, that sucker looks like it has lots of life left on it. Yes, I would like to have it…. Bob
  14. Well from that photo that I didn’t see you until I posted that yes that’s what it looks like and no I have never seen one with a steel nose either… sure is a tough looking unit… Bob
  15. I think we’re talking DM here but didn’t want to spoil someone’s post
  16. I heeeeeeeeeeeya. All they do is roll thier eyes 4????????? Bob
  17. Oooooooooooo ya 12 hour work shift forget about that. Good luck bud. Don’t drive yourself crazy and yes it’s your trucks. Do what you want. Bob
  18. That would be wonderful if we could all just wake up and work on her toys all day. Yes, Craig most of us have the same problem. All we can do is talk about it and go back to the home projects ha ha…. Bob
  19. Right on man … thanks for keeping us up-to-date… Bob
  20. Well, you’re not supposed to bend them and make sure the hold down brackets are in place… yes I realize it’s an old post
  21. Mainly cab parts as far as I know what do you need???
  22. It was all caked up and they’re like silly putty
  23. Years ago, I had an issue like that with a Chevy pick up. Turns out the water jackets were full of stop leak.
  24. Yes it sounds like it’s almost running to lean. Maybe radiator needs flushing. Or faulty thermostat. That’s all I got good luck.
  25. Haha I hadda 70 short fleet side 4/4 8 ft fisher blade it was quite the workhorse sold it 42 years ago
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