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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. I know this is a little late, but I notified Barry he said he would take care of it. That was a few days ago.
  2. Too bad we can’t get some of that stuff anymore
  3. We have lotsa assclowns at my place ..:: do as little as possible and pass on the rest to the next guy to take care of….wife tells me she has the same issue at her place …. I think you got something there … these days these big outfits have enough trouble just getting people to show up never mind expect them to do anything…. biggest problem someone else always has to take care of it after already doing thier own job… Bob
  4. Also, I would gladly take that Corvette or the Shelby
  5. Hello, I almost missed this one. My first car was almost a 69 Corvair I haven’t seen one in a long time around here. My dad‘s friend was selling at 600 bucks car was worth it but it was a lot of money for a 16 year old, making a buck 75 an hour, ha ha I would gladly pay 600 for it now Bob
  6. I’m sure a lot of you Fellers saw the one in easy money it was a trash truck pretty cool .. Bob
  7. I think the green one is one of my screen saver photos. Not sure at least one that looks like it. Bob
  8. Does this mean we forgot all about the mice ??????also Mecho I think you’re paranoid after your gone sour pull start caper besides you’re really going 10 miles an hour and still have front brakes ha ha I was thinking about mounting a small air compressor on the side of my frame with a Briggs & Stratton just another idea
  9. Make sure you pull off the top plate and check out the gears… Bob
  10. Freight train could probably explain it a little better… Bob
  11. I understand if the ID numbers end in O means overdrive
  12. I think that’s too loose in the keepers that’s why the end of the axles are all beat to hell
  13. And as far as I know the +3 starts below the drip rail, so roof skin and headliner should be the same
  14. In fact, just a wild guess the one with the nuts looking hub looks like it came off of an LJ …. Bob
  15. Your front hubs one is made for a Mack hubcap … the one with the wierd unexplained ring around it lol . The other side is not.Bob
  16. I heard his son does it now and he sounds just like him … Bob
  17. That sucks rowdy mine was excellent just me and the old lady and she is a vegetarian so 14 pound bird all mine… Bob
  18. I also moved from Peabody to LA after 15 years moved to Reno LA was too expensive and too many cars now we have the same problem here… Bob
  19. Welcome aboard too bad about the stroke one of our guys had one as well same year Nevada did the same thing I haven’t seen him since.. Bob
  20. We went through this a while back I had an 87 U model with the straight back I do know what was up with that …. Someone else else said that wasn’t uncommon…. Bob
  21. Yeah good luck I had a 73 and it didn’t look any different … Bob
  22. My tank looks to be around 90 gallons if off a kenworth
  23. Once you get familiar with your engines performance, you know exactly what it’s going to do and when… when Bob
  24. Just wind in the Maxis and pull it with a car and a rope :
  25. I heard all he did was read the newspaper over the air I liked him too used to listen to him in the 70s.. Bob
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