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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Wow I haven’t been following this the restoration on that sleeper looks just as tedious as the kitchen cabinet restoration I am right in the middle of nice progress bud hats off . And yes good luck with the cutting .. With a B model window I am sure you’re not going to be able to get through it unless you’re 5 years old .. good luck… bob
  2. sorry man i dont know....bob
  3. and of coarse a brand new mack would be mighty fine...bob
  4. but i would gladly accept a W900 with a 435 cat..i think i already requested that in another post....bob
  5. small??????????? its the size of a match stick..bob
  6. all i can say is give me back the T800....we have all 400 cummings except for a handful of 450,s oooooooooooooooooooohhh almost forgot the petes also have better AC....(KENWORTH)....i hate it,,,bob
  7. i drive a 2021 kenworth i hate it,,,rides like shit,seat is uncomfortable ,its ugly,and the radio sucks....i cant see anyone wanting to restore this thing in 20 years...most of us prefer the peterbilts....but theres not enough to go around,and they are all assigned to differant runs we have ,,,but yes they will all be scrapped in a few years...bob
  8. I couldn’t figure out what Matt was talking about until you just explain foot position I have never driven one glad you got it figured out yes it has been very hot everywhere I don’t mind the heat but it does slow me down I would certainly rather have heat then freeze to death I am enjoying it while it’s here nice job mate let’s keep it up almost there all the time I thought it was a twin drive … bob
  9. Best of luck bud… and the shoulder…. Job availability,,,, I guess it just depends on where you are even waste management union trash is starving for help crazy… bob
  10. When the communist pig started Obamacare I don’t think any of us knew or expected the rest of us would be paying for it one way or another… my company used to have really good Insurance not anymore.. bob
  11. Yes Joey that’s what I was talking about quality job lots of them here as well as everybody else needed help as far as insurance ours sucks This year we had a $4000 deduction but neither one of us knew anything about what a f———— n rip off what next .. Bob
  12. Hell I don’t know Joey everybody’s hiring these days you shouldn’t have any trouble at all going to work anywhere at least that’s the way it is here….. bob
  13. Excellent have a ball..: bob
  14. Thanks for that I wasn’t aware of it that’s a mighty honorable achievement and yes very special thank you from all of us……coarse the media is all about the panty waste getting to throw more of our money away….. incredible… bob
  15. Wow rubber duck that was a great story I almost missed it I rode with my pop on and off from 1960-1971 Great memories he passed when I was only 24 …. And hell I almost forgot about the stool pigeon ha ha I remember those charts real well are used to use them… bob
  16. I would gladly check her for tics …. Bob
  17. OK that’s just too creepy Tom
  18. Years ago George carlin made a joke about protesters way back from the 70s did you ever noticed that most of them nobody would want to f——— them anyway ha ha and yes I think most of us have noticed a good part of them look like boys with make up or maybe that’s why they look that way they are men Frankly it would seem to me more men would be worried about abortions than women after all they are the ones that have to cash out… bob
  19. The guy is doing a pretty good job that’s the way mine shifts but it’s a 15 speed.. bob
  20. But if you continue to drive it you risk spinning a bearing or a risk or wrist pin bushing but like Joey said if it’s not puffing that bad you probably don’t have anything to worry about I would be more concerned about exhaust smoke Bob
  21. Joey you are a genius it generally means the engine is getting tired most times worn compression rings These days rebuild kits are so expensive and you’re almost better off to find a used engine and I understand Mack doesn’t sell them anymore for the END series bob
  22. I think you’re right he’s just got the sheet metal he needs a lot more to do anything with it at this point it might as well buy a wrecked late model pick up and start there good luck. Bob
  23. I guess they think we’re supposed to feel sorry for this coward and as far as Pelosi goes I don’t know how that twisted @#$% is still in the media her and thematic worthless homosexual is in charge of California how the hell do both of those misfits have so much control over everything like wow man.. Bob
  24. I would be willing to lick them both dry ha ha..::/// Bob
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