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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Haha Tom you need a hobby
  2. Yeah, I imagine I’ve only seen a couple of them of my life
  3. OK now that’s just hilarious and it’s probably true ha ha ha ha
  4. mine has a blinking light in it. Not sure if you can still buy those left right and four way
  5. It’s probably a pretty good reason why everybody went to those the box was a great idea in it’s time.. bob
  6. Oh, by the way, the cat seems to be thinking, my God if my friend could only see me now this is just quite embarrassing
  7. Got that all covered I prefer a large meatball sandwich, grated cheese, baby
  8. i’m a little younger, but I remember the older fellas telling me they used to come with a jack and a lug wrench sorry I got nothing else
  9. OK, that’s just really weird
  10. I think we’ve stepped all over this guy‘s tread oh well
  11. You know, now that I think hard I am pretty sure it was for sale then also maybe the owner just put the sign on it everywhere he goes just in case some fool wants to overpay for it lol bob
  12. OK, thanks for that. My memory is starting to fade. Wasn’t sure if I actually saw it there or not….. pretty sure it was the Ontario Speedway .hadda antique truck show there I think it was ATHS annual show
  13. Wow, that’s crazy but TJ you must have the biggest memory I have everseen I only remember Bits and pieces of the past
  14. Yes, I remember our first color TV 1966 me and my pops were watching it all day long and amazed how all our favorite shows were colorized wow speaking of which kind of off the subject on old body of mine had to wind up portable TV. That’s the only one I’ve ever seen in my life that was around 20 years ago he said people use them for camping. I don’t know how old this thing was. It wasn’t a very big set maybe 14 inches
  15. Running out of likes here lol I actually saw one flying saucer at Area 51 around 35 years ago there was no doubt about it it drifted right over me no lights no sound at all
  16. Thier for sure both evil spirits the country does not need!!!!!!!!!
  17. Hell I forgot all about UHF now our TVs don’t even come with 2 knob’s lol bob and back in the day we only had like 3 major channels and 2 UHF not many choices.. bob
  18. I don’t think titles are a problem you might have to hire a tow rig to take it to your local DMV for serial number verification good luck
  19. Wow completely missed this joined 2011 looks terrific and welcome back… bob
  20. I guess what I’m trying to say is they used to be separate on everything now it’s all one unit
  21. now that I think it over, I guess we’re still pretty much on vacuum brake boosters, aren’t we?
  22. and yes, Paul McCartney‘s wife the company also folded a while back. You’re probably knew that.
  23. Hey thanks for the round of applause bud … vacuum brakes that’s it . Haven’t heard that in years actually owned vehicles though the years with them … glad else could help… bob
  24. You know, I swore they saw that truck in person at a truck show in LA about 22 years ago. I don’t know if that’s possible.
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