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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Yeah Mecho I was thinking the same thing that’s why I was going to leave in August at first but as I mentioned I would rather get all the expensive repairs done on my house but frankly I’ve had enough and I wish I could leave now…… but I put my 401(k) into TD Ameritrade‘s hands and they have done a fabulous job so far handling it Bob
  2. Right????? Now that’s funny shit
  3. Hey happy birthday bud… also was wondering how did you make out on that 2 piece fender job??????? Bob
  4. You know Tom,,,, the sick part is these greedy pigs think whatever thier subjects get, is clearly enough for them(IDIOTS) anyway happy Saturday fellas
  5. Yeah they f———-d us good mine was 2700 then right after no nuts arrived it dropped to 2300 then between 66-70 it was only 300 bucks more now the greedy pigs are hoping everyone jumps on thier new con ok my subjects…if you work till 70 we will raise it 900 ok f coarse thier hoping we croak before we get there like wow man!!!!!!! …. Assclowns i hatem
  6. You’ll probably have to work part time like me not nesssarilly need the money but I’m afraid I’ll turn into a full-blown alcoholic And yes I know that’s not spelled right
  7. My company also gives us a pention but again I should’ve started there a lot longer before I did I would have been in really good shape right now… bob
  8. But I’m sure that side hack hag will be entitled to it
  9. Too bad we all can’t be like bidon Ruin the country for four years and then collect the same pay the rest of his life which is probably not very long
  10. I will do pretty good after retirement I’m just trying to get my house fixed up where you lead a roof and windows and siding once I get that expensive shit out of the way it’s all about we’ll see you ha ha can’t wait Bob
  11. Well I should’ve been adding to the 40 one a long time ago now I’m just sick to death of triple trailers Highwinds long shifts blowing out tires snowstorms up tired of it all but yes you are right 401(k) a lot earlier on would have been a big blessing
  12. Friday at last I don’t know how much more of this truck driving bullshit I could handle I was pushing for two years but I am starting to wonder. anyway happy Friday fellas Bob
  13. After all they live to shit all over the the other side and run out us out of money and power and self respect so it works both ways … Bob
  14. Yes that’s what I was told frankly I don’t know why he didn’t keep his f_______n ass off that shit but then again I am on the same page with the rustling feathers to the other side come on???????? Lol bob
  15. There was a comedy movie in the early 70s when a young kid was driving a Mack gas job I think it was a strait job flatbed it didn’t even have air brakes I can’t remember it I’m sure one of you fellas can bob
  16. Let’s face it bud… we gotta hell of a mess here just to keep Donald trump from winning thanks (IDIOTS)
  17. I remember when there was a bunch of them delivering in my town when I was a young teenager nice looking Ride law transportation
  18. Right on man glad to hear it let’s get her done… bob
  19. Wow it looks like the same person thanks for sharing a lot of progress there
  20. Excellent have a ball with it…engine stuck doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t free it with lots of mystery oil snd tapping on the pistons I’ve done it before good luck Bob
  21. Also Truck stop adventures for me in 46 years generally involved meal , fuel or both… never really had to spend any time in them to browse reading material,,; I’m sure I’ve walked right by them many times while staring at some sight see er with a booty… bob
  22. Hey Joey I never heard of them either might not be on this end of the planet.. bob
  23. Wow nice neat work bud …. Your helping hand looks to be thinking,,,,, beat that babba!!!!!! Bob
  24. Excellent have a ball with it it looks great
  25. Very interesting fellas thanks for that… Bob
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