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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. I didn’t see any polished tanks
  2. Well thanks for keeping us posted right now I sure don’t know where to get those studs you’ve got something there that most of us have never seen nice going on the progress though… bob
  3. Happy birthday fellas best wishes and have a swinging time… bob
  4. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before this town used to be a cute little place Reno now thier way overbuilding this place way overpriced and way too crowded now I hate it here but I don’t wanna move any move too much work but now I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place… it it seems this is not the only town doing this Bob
  5. And yes I suppose that was a dumb question also just checking ha ha nice work bud…. Bob
  6. Hell I didn’t realize that was the dashboard quick glance I thought it was your bumper is that the color or is that the primer whatever it is I like it
  7. Not sure witch is worse coming back very disabled of not coming back… Bob
  8. Ya same here pops had five brothers all 6 enlisted only one didn’t return the rest were in pretty good shape
  9. Also as TJ mentioned in another post he’s glad his pop wasn’t around to see the garbage we’ve got now same here my pop passed in 1980 of cancer that was a rough one I wish I could’ve got a lot more years out of him but I’m glad he doesn’t have to see any of this …world war two veteran of course US Navy
  10. Very well put bud thanks for the post also forgot to mention I did like your joke about depends I am almost there… All kidding aside very much thanks to those who gave everything in their heart broken families can’t replace gods miracles but we could sure appreciate all they have done
  11. Oh sure most of your fellas heard about Pelosi’s old man getting a DUi at 82 really???? dumb ass
  12. On a happier note I am enjoying my weekend it is going very fast getting a lot done outside.. bob
  13. Haha Lots of interesting post Here fellas keep them coming and Paul it looks like your country is not much different than this one seems both land have forgotten their backbone , and where thier unearned fat saleries come from (IDIOTS) bob
  14. Wow way cool truck welcome aboard… bob
  15. California Length laws used to require cab overs in alotta applications … bob
  16. Yes definitely great choice…. Again those red hubs always jump out at me terrific idea bud….: Bob
  17. mowerman


    Not sure if any of us know what you’re talking about???????? Bob
  18. Excellent And 10 four and the scratches ha ha I remember when they come out with work Polaroid swinger Instamatic I was only around 10 we were pissing ourselves over that….
  19. Me and the wife were just saying who the hell needs cable or dish with old this Gold on MeTV
  20. I don’t know but welcome aboard and best of luck partner…. Bob
  21. But yes I am on a three day weekend and I shouldn’t be complaining but I whined for all of us as a group Democrat or Republican we’re all paying the price for out of control Phony leaders
  22. Geeeeeeeeeeesus What is this don’t we the people have any voice anymore these over paid communist pigs are ruining this Place and it doesn’t seem like there’s anything we can do about it but sit here and take it this is ridiculous … Bob
  23. Oh I forgot to mention we need photos to prove your story ha ha
  24. Well I’m still waiting on Mac parts but this weekend I will be working more on kitchen cabinet restoration and more work on my minibike project three whole days off yeah baby going to make good use of them
  25. Suzanne Pleshette in 1960 humma humma
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