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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. That’s a real good deal… bob
  2. It sure looks like it started as one … bob
  3. 1600 for a headliner??????? Geeeeeeeeeeesus I would have guessed 66-70 bucks … bob
  4. As far as team drivers go I did a little of that back in 1990 didn’t care for it I had pretty good luck with most of the guys but they did hook me up with some real idiots sometimes Bob
  5. 10 four on the overqualified drivers we’ve got a whole line board of them over here too bad about the total…. Bob
  6. I have a snapshot of it and a video clip can’t figure out how to get either one of them on here sorry… bob
  7. A buddy of mine has one for sale it’s in San Diego 40 something
  8. As I mentioned I don’t use much of it and it doesn’t affect me but I am concerned about my fellow man… bob
  9. Kind of funny how some of these treads turn into something completely different but then again he was concerned about his mileage… bob
  10. High paying Private sector jobs paying taxes win win situation
  11. Kind of hard to keep your mouth shut when nobody was doing anything about it. Bob
  12. Way back in the 80s not sure what year but the fuel was all the way down to $.59 a gallon for a short while I don’t know what the deal was but it didn’t last long… bob
  13. It wasn’t so long ago you couldn’t even squeeze 50 bucks in both tanks..: bob
  14. Yes lots of folks are going to feel this and be affected messed up man… bob
  15. That was in 1978 Think it was around $.65 I am not sure if it was certainly a lot cheaper than it is now… bob
  16. Yes sir in fact I drove that very truck all the way from Massachusetts to Southern California I think it cost me 250 bucks. Bob
  17. i hadda 1970 chevy 4by 4 in the 70s mileage was terrible 350 2 barrel...7 mpg.lol.bob
  18. thats funny shit ...i wonder if it was the exhaust noise or the stack vibrating????? bob
  19. the peterbilts seem to be a little more reliable.atleast the 3 i was assigned to...ya i know im getting off the subject....bob
  20. ive never seen one except on our volvos that we had a few years ago.....fedex got rid of most of them when they figured out they were all junk..lol.went back to kenworth and petes....but the newer kenworths arent much better...bob
  21. wow thats probably news to most of us...very interesting thanks for the post..bob
  22. That’s discussing… bob
  23. Generally anything back then got around 7 miles per gallon bobtail at .least that’s what I heard I have never done much Bob tailing…. Bob
  24. I didn’t see it either:….. bob
  25. Loooks like every thing was in pretty good shape to begin with interior looks real good from the photos… ya sun beats the piss out of everything around here but no rust have a ball with it…. I would be lol… bob
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