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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. I bought a five and a four Out of a B model years ago I’m still Not sure if it’s going to fit or what the top and is going to be not really concerned since probably not going to be going to far with it anyway but tall gears are always nice ... bob
  2. Thought I heard somebody say a while back it’ll have a.o at the end Of serial number I have a manual if nobody else answers I will go get it definitely helps to have long legs... bob
  3. The kid looks like it’s a bout 1970 photograph but the wrist watch And pants don’t seem to match plus photo quality and other telltale signs lol Cool trucks thanks for sharing definitely always one of my favorites ... bob
  4. I’m sure the grease is all dried out in the kingpins is your biggest issue... bob
  5. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh my god,,,,(I WANT THAT)...bob
  6. this country just keeps breeding more and more idiots,,,,,i see dummies like that all the time,,,on the road,,,,,saw some jackass just a while back,dragging two blowouts on an end dump,,,,people blowing thier horns,,flashing thier lights,,,,kept on truckin,like nothing was wrong...amazing...bob
  7. oh i gotcha,,,i hadda R model,and a F model...both armstrong,,,,dont remember having much trouble with either one,,,,but yes power steering is quite a pleasure.....my DM has it ,steers like a dream.....sounds to me you should make that your next project...bob
  8. Probably a dumb remark but you might try jacking up the wheels and greasing king pins it shouldn’t steer that hard even without power steering
  9. Wow doubles thumbs up for sure Wow doubles thumbs up for sure.. that thing is tits. Bob
  10. Somebody needs to pull it out and work on it... bob
  11. that was excellent,,,,,kinda long,hadda wait till i had time to view it,,thanks for sharing...bob
  12. lol i can see rite thru that glass,,,,and it looks like your pissing yourself...truck looks great,have a swinging time with it,,,the way that thing is setup with all that chrome,im thinking it would look amazing with fresh paint..oooooh i also like the blue jeans.....bob
  13. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa baby,,i would be driving it all the time,,,all summer top removed...lol.bob
  14. wow,,,looking great...thanks for sharing.bob
  15. Well I would really like that thing if it was any other color ha ha Ha... bob
  16. Yeah they pull the same sh*t here in Reno I’m right with you bullets baby lots of them .... bob
  17. Wow you’re a truck is gorgeous have a ball with it love the interior color .... bob
  18. The things seems to be in pretty good shape would be nice to go through it.... bob
  19. Wow that’s messed up just spotted this sorry to hear that ..... bob
  20. who knows these days.....the kenworth i drive is not half the truck they were when they still offered the T800......i hate it rides like shit,,seats uncomfortable...radio sound like shit...exc exc.....i hate it,,,,,oh ya i already said that...lol.bob
  21. excellent congradulations... bob
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