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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Doesn’t really sound like a very difficult problem just a matter of finding it…. Bob
  2. I usually enjoy this guys movies but I’m afraid I’ve always thought he was an idiot off screen…. Big price to pay for stupidity especially innocent people involved sucks …. Bob
  3. Ya jojo l had to have surgery 10 years ago couldn’t even stand up more than a couple minutes best of luck partner … bob
  4. It also had a 10 speed unishift transmission 5 speed with a hi- lo air splitter wasn’t crazy about it. You had to pause and wait for it to click into hi alotta times it would get stuck in neutral if you didn’t wait long enough to let the clutch out… bob
  5. Oooooooooooo gotcha wasn’t sure weather you were impressed by this or simply stating that’s what they usually run in them my first Mack had that setup 62 F model …. Bob
  6. Retired baby keep you busy… bob
  7. I’m sure the cow wouldn’t let him in …hey dumbbell there’s not enough room for the two of us beat it…bob
  8. Lol chocks baby works every time. Bob
  9. Wow score nice looking ride from what I heard they were Mack westerns norm Taunton had 2 of them at one time…. I think they were the the only ones I have ever seen in person … that’s excellent,, have a ball with it.. but why the natural aspirated???? Bob
  10. Found a indoors shooting range around 9 miles from here I’m planning on visiting soon 25 bucks a day try out that 44 yaaaaaaaaaahooooooo… bob
  11. Sounds like a fun challenge good luck Tom.. bob
  12. I hadda 55 f600 years ago sorry all I can think of is vaccine boost is bleeding in somehow good luck
  13. I had an 88 but mine has a 302 I think,, it was a V-8 I really liked the truck traded it 14 years ago for a 2006 I would’ve just hung onto it but I didn’t have air-conditioning what is the only reason they got rid of it… bob
  14. Hey TJC Forgot to mention that was a gorgeous rifle how accurate is it with the scope?????? Bob
  15. I heard you guys talking about that A couple of weeks ago on the black one I couldn’t figure out what you were talking about and why anybody would want to do that ha ha all makes sense now … bob
  16. I noticed that too I am thinking possibly a logging outfit
  17. Good advice Brocky I didn’t have any idea what to tell him except my 66 does have tapped holes on the cab support brace back of seat on the floor… Made for a lap belt but I don’t know why you couldn’t install a full shoulder deal good luck
  18. Oh sorry brocky I missed all that travel information you posted Thanks for that seems to me eating and pubs would probably be the way to go brought worst sandwiches every night yes I can do that …. Yes I can also drink a lot of beer and as for you Paul you are never boring keep on doing what you’re doing…, bob
  19. Home repairs seems that’s all I ever do…. I’m sure it’s the same thing with most of you fellas to day already got 3 things planned. Bob
  20. My area used to have allotta shooting areas now this town is getting so crowded they built houses in all the good spots and shooting range is around 20 miles
  21. Oooooooooooo thanks Brocky I thought it was something like that and rowdy I bought a 1873 Winchester replica few years back wasn’t happy with power or accuracy all it’s good for is wall art lol bob
  22. ya i would have thought they were everywhere.....i usually try amazon first they have everything...only if its an item i cant walk in and buy.....i love thier variety and service and packaging,,,but i dont like to use them unless i have to....they (ARE) a cut throat outfit on the down side...i always try to trade with a mom and pop retailer if at all possible...bob
  23. hey paul,,,,by the way what time is it where you are and what day,,,,here in nevada its saturday 805 pm
  24. yes ten four on the free time i bought a 44 magnum henry golden boy rifle 10 years ago and its still in the box...no time...bob
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