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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. He also said that was real gold leaf lettering
  2. Forgot to mention My uncle told me that photo was taken right after the guy got done littering it that was 40 years ago he told me that I am surprised i still remember that funny thing about guys memories we seem to remember all the stuff we want to remember and when my wife asked me what we did last Saturday can’t remember a thing ha ha Ha...bob
  3. Thanks for straightening that out I had lots of fun back in the 60s riding in those big Brockways Quite a thrill for a young kid my uncle sold the business in 1970 wound up going to work for beacon fast freight said he couldn’t take the headaches anymore a lot easier to work for somebody...bob
  4. Oh my god what a beautiful truck I almost bought a 66 Chevy in 1975 The guy wanted $800 back in 75 was a lot of money back then while I was only making about 125 a week truck is gorgeous thanks for sharing...bob
  5. ok christmas eve,,,merry christmas,to all the brothers,,,and family,,,,reason for the season.....birth of christ enjoy tro the fullest.....bob
  6. forgot to mention,,,i always enjoy people like you,,that are doing a good bussiness,,with the snow,,,makes me feel good to see all our ski  lodges slammed  with a heavy snow fall....we have a lot of them in the area.....merry christmas my friend...bob

  7. man,,,that sucker is tight,,,,,,,,im sure you remember...JR sousa used to deliver BP gasoline..in new england one of the only outfits i remember back there that had superliners with spoke wheels.....they also ran alotta R models....bob
  8. rite on man....that thing is excellent....thanks for sharing.....that sucker looks really clean....have a ball with it.... lets see the R model,,,,or did i miss it somewhere???? there was one sitting around 150 miles from here,for the longest time,DM800 dump truck,,,,i was going to inquirer on it one of these days,,,all of a sudden it was gone....i guess somebody bought it....bob
  9. for those of you that missed these,,a few years ago....that tractor shot that is sideways....my uncle (deceased now)told me when that photo was taken.in 1957 that truck was brand new,,wasnt even registered yet...bob
  10. Technology isn’t it wonderful don’t know why the photographs are coming out sideways but the video came out straight.....bob
  11. sorry for the long wait for responce.....i dont always look in this section.....but yes,,that DM800 will handle anything...bob
  12. oooooooooo by the way that truck sounds real good,,and looks like a blast to drive...bob
  13. hadnt thought of that...but it wasnt that cold,,,,,,,,,,,,,thanks for your input......bob
  14. i have a model of that.....its always been one of my favorites.....whats the deal with it?????bob
  15. i wasnt going to make too many comments on this political.view anymore...but i have to comment.this one....they call them illegal immigrants for a reason,,,,and they are all supposed to be in jail....if the system is not going to follow the rules,,,,then we should all be able to break all the rules.....especially all of us legal people and be able to skate....im sure if i was arrested my children would not be taken into concideration at all they would simply tell me,,,you should have thought of them,,,before you broke the law,,,punk.....bob
  16. thanks larry....i also thought of that........ill take a look at it,,,,in a while,,,ive got couple more days off,,,here,,,i put that air starter system in when i first got the truck.....it (was) electric.....and hadda short i couldnt figure out,,,couldnt get the motor to turn over fast enough to start,,,,so i went to air...bob
  17. i like the dashboard,,,almost looks like it has brockway doors on it...bob
  18. both belonging to pomona fire department,,,at that time.........bob
  19. you know i think i saw that truck on display,,,along with an LJ, actually in pomona,,around 1982....bob
  20. Wife is in Boston right now visiting her grandbabies so it’s just me and this house with no bosses so I am conveniently wearing out the sofa
  21. I was going to go mess with it a little bit but my wife bought me the entire DVD set of rawhide early Christmas present and I can’t get away from the TV set now ...bob
  22. Thanks I’m glad you were able to open it funny thing I can open it on my cell phone but I can’t open it on my computer was kind of wondering if you guys would see it
  23. You know on these old turkeys there is really not a whole lot to go sour......
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