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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Beautiful color was wondering if you were gonna paint the rig like a gulf tanker????? I used to work at a gulf service station in the 70,s always liked the gas trucks that used to fill us up..good memories.bob
  2. Lol god love ya some beautiful work. Wish I had your time,ambition and shop.....my shop coming anytime now...but the the time and ambition...I'll have to work on.lol. Have a ball with it...bob
  3. Fabulous... Have a ball and keep us posted and yes brand new parts and new bolts that is the fun part....bob
  4. Ya I want my DM to come out that good even those updated peddles look real good in it...bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  5. I think this is the truck it was in bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  6. thought some of you fella.s would appreciate this buddy of mine sent it to me .. beautiful job some of you might recognize it....bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  7. thats messed up....best of luck to his family,,,and lots a prayers...bob
  8. Wait a minute.....B model at a baby shower,and no one hadda camera??????? Bob
  9. Oooooooohhh brother get rid of it start o er with another engine lol bob
  10. Well god bless america.. . I'm finally happy after 8 years of misery be glad to see that dumb blood sucking Monkey hit the road and don't come back. ..high hopes for the future now...bob
  11. Nice lookin ride ....lol. For that kinda dough, I could fill my yard with all all my life-long dreams.
  12. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa git all kinda comments now lets hope we can take our country back...... remember folks bottom line now.......you don't work.....you don't eat. Simple plan....bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  13. Heard the system suckers in Oakland are all rioting guess thier all pissed off they gotta give back all thier free obambi phones ahahahahahahaha Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  14. Paedophile island wow didn't know anything about it until a few days ago it's amazing how these Democrats could sweep all the dirt away and nobody even notices Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  15. Well it looks like most of us won God love America and let's hope for the best when I left Los Angeles last night I heard some of the fellows saying they had a big bash all set up for the almighty Queen downtown fireworks and everything I guess they were pretty sure of themselves now she could drowned in her all her sorrows first then confess all of her sins and Billy sorry god we have been screwing the American people and having sex with underaged kids all funded by Americans. Discusting duo. And now where does that leave the all mighty obambi oooooooohhh what happened you worthless cocroach now blow your nose and go home to Mommy ....if you know who she is!!!!!!!!! Lol bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  16. lol....that was my first thought....alot easier and cheaper....good luck...bob
  17. dont know where you keep finding them all .....some beautiful rigs....too many to pick a favorite now.lol.....thanks for sharing,,and keepem coming...bob
  18. very interesting...thanks for posting....i still think hes a pushy arrigant idiot,,,that likes to meddle in everything that doesnt concern him...bob
  19. You know that's always my bottom line in this situation here in the United States ......you don't work......you don't eat ..... simple as that. You don't agree get out and you have no voice end of story. I am not. Carrying you and blow your nose and get over it. Bob
  20. nice photos tom..lol....oooooooooooh la la ...bob
  21. you know its about high time,,,,some of these crooked SOB.s start paying for thier anti american ways.....i for one am about sick to death of the crooked system sweeping all thier dirt under the carpet,,,,,then carrying oin like nothing happen.....wow too bad we all cant just do that....bob
  22. you know all these soft hearts that wanna keep all these ilegal alians here.....one thing they gotta remember....they are sucking more out of us than thier worth....working for peanuts,,,,and getting hundreds back in benifits....another words their taking more than they earn,,,,and lets not forget,,,,thier here ilegally.....punishable by jail and fines.......get rid of them.....thier illegal alians hilllery....get a clue......nobody cares about thier totally american paid for drops,,,,that they had here......my wife,,,born and raised in san diego......border town to mexico....told me a while back.....they built a brand new hospital in her home town of chula vista....california,,,,couple years ago,,,,,and they didnt even put a nursery ward in it because all they do is freebees from mexico there anyway out of taxpayers money,,,,so why even bother,,,,,little fact that hardly anyone knew....bob
  23. but it does bring me back to the jesus days....seems any time anyone trys to help fix the problem they just shut them out......sure lets keep the corrupt government going...send all your money overseas and and feed all the border jumpers .....ya baby......we all prefer that.....yaaaaaaaaaaaa.(IDIOTS)...bob
  24. may the best man win.....im pulling for both of them....big baseball fan since summer or 66....when i pitched in little league....bob
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