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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  2. You might want to consider a used transmission even if you have to go to a one stick I know most of us like to keep the two sticks but from where I hear is safe dares alone can run to 400 a piece or more if they have to make them I won't up buying a 5 + 4 rebuilt for 350 bucks but offers like that don't come around every day got lucky but you can usually find a good one ready to go for around a thousand bucks good luck Bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  3. havent seen one in years....pretty cool..bob
  4. excellent thanks tom.......bob
  5. Ridiculous.....seems these days every community has to pull together and raise money for everything.. . .no help from government at all. Bob
  6. Local gambling casino funded to keep city pool open and Reno ice skating rink open wow thanks obambi for all your help..my god what has happened to the all mighty USA.....bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  7. Latest thing here in Reno love TV ads for helping schools with fundraising affairs for school books and baseball equipment my God what has happened to this place don't even see ads for a write your Congressman anymore it's all about the citizens getting together and donating are you freaking kidding me I guess so but everybody has given up on the government now and no they are not going to get anywhere.b bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  8. pretty cool rig.....broke in on a U model.....always have a soft spot for them...bob
  9. Lol Well you know living in this wierd place these days.... There is a lot to bellyache about....bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  10. I hadda a couple pals do the Erwin Shmit coarse and yes it's a true story but what happened is they are. Constantly hounding you for money and won't back off till you start paying them..thought that was very interesting .bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  11. Wow best of luck to you and yours I always thought you were alot older...bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  12. Excellent welcome aboard and have a ball with it...bob
  13. Oooooooohhh ya the tax issues. Donald said he wasn't going to pay them anything because all they do is throw it around and don't put it in its proper place and if any of these fellows have ever listen to Erwin Smith tapes it clearly states that you do not have to pay taxes and the IRS cannot show you anywhere where it says that you have to pay them look it up...bob
  14. And yes at 3 o'clock in the morning and I am venting if anyone was interested Bob
  15. To me there's nothing worse than millions of Americans paying high taxes weekly governments constantly crying poor mouth broke what the helldid you do with all the money we gave you last week.
  16. Lol excellent fellas....last few were right on the money... mainly I didn't expect so much mudslinging out of Donald....I woulda thought he had alot more to present atleast impressive political conversation or fake it with alotta smoke up our asses like the rest if them do.... and work on your vocals and try not too sound so much like a Brooklyn street hood.
  17. Be. Nice to have someone put American workers and veterans first before convicts and elegal aliens and bring back Nativity scenes and God and Jesus and prayer day and saluting the flag.... instead of all that has become of this place ....oh and best of all no more freebie ....you don't work you don't eat... . simple as that......and if you don't like the terms move out .....bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  18. I can see it all now fly the phony queen around the globe Like obambi does apologizing to everyone and eating lobster nightly...bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  19. Ya very well put he is not a politician or frankly doesn't pretend to be...... But what I like is he s pissed and discusted with this run down has-been country that once was.....and has had enough if deadbeat system suckers in office....and is embarrassed to be a part of this ..... Entire world laughing at us......and he doesn't need the money.....he is a self made billionaire with the right intentions .... The split tail doesn't care about America or Americans....just take care of hilly👎👎👎.bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  20. All kidding aside I think Donald could I did a little better job pushing what he was going to do with this country rather than bashing hilly. Bob
  21. Hilly needs to lose that dumb phony howdy doodie grin hitious...and she forgot to mention she's been sucking the system for years. ...ya howbout you dingbat ????? How would you ever make it without government assistance????? Bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
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