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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. pretty good price for what it is..should go quick.lol,,,musta been a fleet teamster rig,,,just spotted the stool-pigeon..bob
  2. coming along real well...a friend of mine put that duel stack setup on..... perfect sound not too loud...sounds good...keep up the good work,,,and shanks for sharing....bob
  3. Holy shit ...I'll take it.both of them ..lol.bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  4. Good looking rig... futuristic styling for thier time they really don't look that old ..bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  5. Very interesting truck looks real clean Bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  6. very interesting....ive never used it but from what i hear its a good idea.....my wife started using it in a ranger,,,few years ago,,,that wouldnt pass smog,,,and with the synthetic oil,it actually passed so i know it definately makes an improvement,,,,i dont know if you would get longer life out of an engine with it,,,,but i would immagine it would increase the life ....at my age now,,,i dont keep vehicles long enough to find out..lol.bob
  7. sunliner and beachwagon,,,both nice lookin cars...if you can find a clean one....not those two ahahahahahahahhahaha...still kinda sad to see them rotting away...bob
  8. amazing the balony doesnt end...wow...bob
  9. excellent thanks for sharing...bob
  10. Wow...nice looking ride could be quite the piece with a little work B81 looks real good even as is lol Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  11. Norm Taunton had one alit like it few years back but it had plastic interior white steering wheel pretty much same setup same color bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  12. Ya plenty of money to run the royalty around the world to enjoy themselves..... no money left to run the county disgusting Bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  13. Excellent thanks for sharing Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  14. i ya its all lawsuit fellas thats the bottom line on all of the wierd transactions ...they dont want anything coming back on them.and i dont blame them.......bob
  15. if it will help you fedex ground seems to take pretty good care of thier owner operators...i dont know how you would go about hiring on with them....i work for fedex freight and i hear alotta good storys about the package division..good luck....bob
  16. excellent man,,,thanks....tom grandson eating cupcake that was excellent god lovem...bob
  17. thanks man,,,,and same to you and the rest of BMT....have a swingin time fellas.....got barbeque yard work..painting...bob
  18. now that i think it over,,,,i do remember seeing TV ads for that movie...bob
  19. im sure it will.....bob
  20. ok i guess its not just here...bob
  21. nice....... 5G,s is a way fair price,,,,should go quick for that....good luck... bob
  22. i run a def tractor stay away from them if you can.....just another unnessasary expence....put about 10 gallons a week in it for 3000 miles,,,and yes you still have to regen if it spends too much time in the city....mine usually doesnt.truck runs mostly in california and that state requires them .....good luck...bob
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