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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. nice lookin ride not really cherry but set up nice.remember seeing tons of them as a kid..especially with the bumper signs...didnt see the movie,,,frankly i never even heard of it.lol.bob
  2. just amazing how hussled they have got the public into thinking this place is a utopia,,,,,wow amazing,,,,this country is so far in the toilet and corrupt and most of the public doesnt even realize it.....bob
  3. ya its a nice lookin ride....we dont have anything like that here....bob
  4. ya rite there with you,,,,i spend most of my shift on a 2 lane windy road,,,,,dont wanna hear theres self driving vehicles coming at me.....bob
  5. ya would be tough to watch,,,,i got my doors for my DM off a UPS F model he had 3 of them close to here got real lucky...small wrecking yard he just cut the frames in half,,,so they couldnt be sold,,,but was parting them out...bob
  6. very well put Paul...as usual thanks, you know this place is so twisted up,,,and backwards.these days...would take along time to get it straightened out.....first thing get rid of half these overpaid slugs sucking the system.and calling all our shots .....you don't work,,,you don't get paid.....punch out and go home....like they would tell us.....we would have much more operating capital,,,to distribute....back to the United States....where.it belongs...taking care of disabled veterans,,,,upkeep on parks on roads ect ect....you get the picture. Towns are broke, counties are broke, states are broke, country's broke,,,,yet these high paid morons,are still lining their pockets,and lying to the public. about how well were doing (REALLY)...ahahahahahahahahaha...bob
  7. Lol.. boy you said it.ive owned both. Chevy's fords the new models are both pretty sharp but let's face it thier both set up now for comfort,quiet,and has milage mainly.bob
  8. Geeeeeesus criminy you would think this brain-dead pig would atleast try to make a good impression on the public.... on his way out the door wow Thiers some real colors ...folks Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  9. Still waiting for that worthless bastard to nut up and be a president bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  10. We're all still waiting for that worthless bastard to nut up and worry about america Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  11. Don't go by that TV ad ford puts thier truck Thu a rigorous test and I don't think the bed is as weak as Chevy claims bob
  12. holy shit,,,that thing sounds good,,,,didnt care for the ending,,,,thanks for the post...bob
  13. excellent thanks for sharing.....nice looking cars....glad they still produce them here...in the united states woohoo...bob
  14. brand new engine parts always a turn on...lol.must be a guy thing......bob
  15. excellent tom thanks ...bob
  16. Far as I know they fit good luck Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  17. Think there was just a post about those recently.....is quite a rig bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  18. ya thats them,,,,thier tractors looked that way in the 80s...... black,,,white stripes and the skunks of course.ran mostly freightliners..never really knew where they were out of,,,,but used to see alot of them in california..bob
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