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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. We just rebid for July I'm moving up to a 2015 Kenworth [emoji119][emoji119][emoji119]bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  2. Ya we thru a barbeque afterwards hadda lotta good food [emoji119][emoji119][emoji119]bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  3. I see everybody has their own opinion here I'm just going to tell you flat out my friend I don't know haha every state is different and I don't have any idea what they do here in Nevada.....good luck....bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  4. Holy cow russ I thought you died and went to heaven haven't seen you in a while I usually get here around 7:30 Wednesday Friday and Saturday.... Glad to hear from you....bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  5. You know I usually don't run mainly walk so I don't know how I took third place but I'll take it and I'll also take the glory.lol...bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  6. Thought I better give the old lady her moment she gets podium time all the time she's a runner I mostly walk those socks are sweat absorbing but you probably know that already...bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  7. Came in 3 Rd place in age group thought this might interest some of you I do it with my wife for the exersize.... She is a runner I usually walk....do some Running....bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  8. wow,,,,,must be getting old and senile i hadda 82 cruiseliner,,,,and i cant remember what color my interior was?????lol...thought it was black.but that was 31 years ago....bob
  9. kinda like the yellow....especially when its new and shiny,,,,,give the appearance ready to face any mission,,,,especially off road detail.....bob
  10. excellent ,,,,ive driven all three of them..... owned R model and a cruiseliner...bob
  11. Good choice always liked the loadstar....have a ball with it...bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  12. Excellent man but the chubby redhead is still my favorite lol although I do like them all [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]bob
  13. Best wishes man have a swingin time....[emoji16]...bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  14. Lotta good looking iron Tom thanks for sharing...bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  15. God lovem and happy birthday wish him many more...bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  16. stuck in a volvo anything looks better....thanks for sharing....bob
  17. nice!!!!!!!...lol....thanks for sharing
  18. nice thanks...looks like its about ready to work...bob
  19. ya its a little late....sorry havent been on here much.....fun filled weekend...myself.....hope you all, had atleast a half decent one...bob
  20. Have a swingin time with the pipes lol best wishes....bob Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
  21. That's messed up lotsa prayers to his family..... bob
  22. man thats a beautiful truck....looks like it would handle anything...bob
  23. nice that thing will handle alotta big jobs......money maker man..ya id like to have it myself.....ive got access to a big yale forklift ..bob
  24. beautiful work so far thanks for sharing...bob
  25. wow that blue looks gorgeous thanks for all the updates...bob
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