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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. interesting footage,,,thanks..one of our guys started doing that,,,for accident purposes probably same as you...bob
  2. wow,,,that thing is tits,,,, ya i wouldnt have picked that color,,,but it does look ready to work why would you wanna sell it after all that hard work,,,sounds desperate for dough,,,good luck to him....bob
  3. not a bad lookin rig,,,especielly compared to the volvo im stuck in now.lol...thanks for sharing...bob
  4. thought i saw one in a vidio game ad last might...its pretty cool...bob
  5. thats interesting,,,,and good news atleast,,,never seen him gone this long...bob
  6. oooooooh my!!!!!! looks like she.s eating well....what a set a jugs...bob
  7. wow looks pretty good for the price,,,,should move pretty fast...best of luck to him...bob
  8. ya that thing looks real good,,,never see them here...RD,s occationally and mostly CH,,,models...oak harber freight,,ABF,,and UPS,,and some tanker outfits,,is about it....bob
  9. never seen one,,,looks pretty good for restoration,,,drove a 1960 REO conventional just 1 day,,,back in 1976,,,gas job,,,5 and 3,, 2 stick,,,pretty cool...bob
  10. dont have a washer yet,,,im doing old school with a bowl of gasoline.lol.bob
  11. kinda sorta looks good,,,,but i personally prefer the stock plate...bob
  12. ya mineral spirits if you can find it,,,i would call petrolium outfit,,,and ask for oppinion...good luck...bob
  13. excellent thanks for sharing,,,,good luck to the misses...bob
  14. ahrite man,,,,excellent thanks tom...bob
  15. good shape looks alot newer than 73...bob
  16. that ad looks real old,,,interesting.another lost item,,,seems like just yesterday,,,those econolines were everywhere..bob
  17. excellent shots tom,,,,like the DM and the red.hair ...bob..
  18. havent rode in a brockway,,,since with my pop.. in 1966 nice memories...bob
  19. best wishes man,,,, and have a swingin time...bob
  20. just spotted this,,,,very nice...bob
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