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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. spent 5 hrs bullshitten,,,,coulda stayed longer,,,but hadda get back to reno,,,and feed the mutts,,,,old lady was in boston,visiting grandbaby,s perfect time to drive out there,,,,she doesnt like to tag along she says i stay there too long,,,,and she gets board lol....bob
  2. ive never seen one,,,,used to see alotta petes,,and diamond Ts in california,,,interesting...probably experimenting,,,,my company,,,fedex freight,,,has been testing petes also lately tryed kenworth,international,volvo, the volvo,and IH have been nothing but junk,,,the KW,s hold up real good,,,dont know how the petes are gonna do,,,,we runna lotta macks,,,in the east but i cant give you any oppinion,,,,we dont have them here...bob
  3. looks like a lotta work wow...bob
  4. mine was excellent,,,hope everyones was.....and thank you veterans....bob
  5. that thing looks like a sportscar interesting,,,thanks for sharing...bob
  6. ya,,,if its not high gloss,,,,kinda defeats the purpose,,,,know what you mean about sandblasting inside the sand flies everywhere,,,we .did a 55 chevy inside one time,,,only takes one time to figure out,,,that wasnt a good plan.lol.bob
  7. i hadda 55 F600 back in 73,,,looked alot like it.bob
  8. he used to have alot more stuff,,,,wheel and deal quite a bit,,,i think now he just kept the stuff he wants,i was down there buying some grille parts he had,,bob
  9. nice,,,,that thing looks real good,,,thanks for the post...bob
  10. got 4 AC models they were all in the video that wont post.lol.bob
  11. galt california,,,just north of stockton,,,highway 99..taken april 15th.bob
  12. well the phone video was the best part,,,cant get it to download,,,he has an N model,,,pretty good shape,,,it was parked right outside the shop,,,forgot to get a picture,,,sorry...bob
  13. ok,,,guess photo came thru this time,,,ill post somemore...bob
  14. just tryed to send a PM to 41 chevy,,,,message failed WTF...was just gonna tell ya,,,still trying to download photos,,,,damn smartphone,,,i can watch TV on it,,,yada yada yada,,,but cant make calls,text,,or send photo,s what a deal,,,tryed 2 more things this morning,,,,failed both times,,,one more idea,,,,aaaah modern day technology...gotta love it,,,,oooohhh but wait,,,,thats right,it all comes from communist china,,,nowdays,,,,interesting...bob
  15. was thinking that a while back,,,,,dont even have time for the (ONE) i got,,,lol.god lovem..bob
  16. wow shouldnt last long,,,at that price...good luck...bob
  17. looks real good,,,,used to see alot of them when i was a kid,law transportation had a millian of them,,,dont know where they all went...bob
  18. incredible,,,hard to believe she has been out there ten years wow,,,,aaaaahhh ( JB SWIFT DRIVERS) gotta lovem.lol.bob
  19. i was also brokedown,,last friday morning...6 hrs with only broken radiator cap and lost coolant,,,got paid for the whole thing,,,,but froze to death top of donner pass,,,30 degrees and snowing...bob
  20. ooooohhhh theres a surprize.....(MORE IDIOTS)....bob
  21. dont think she would have much trouble finding help...bob
  22. didnt quite understand the post,,,,but did like the cute turtle.lol.bob
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