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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. holy maceral,,,,what an operation,,,lol...have a ball...bob
  2. was quite a guy,,,wish i coulda met him,,,some cool achievments,,,throughout his life....thanks for posting...bob
  3. what the hell was all that bullshit,,,what a couple of assholes.... bob...
  4. i call it wierd book,,,my wife uses it,,,im not too interested...bob
  5. excellent tom,,,thanks...bob
  6. boy you said it,,,,cept the tribe were stuck with,,,doesnt quite work that hard...(IDIOTS)...bob
  7. excellent,,,have a ball...bob
  8. best wishes man,,,hope it was swingin...bob
  9. ahrite man,,,,thanks for the cool shots,,,cant believe all the weather you encounter,,,we havent seen anything here all year ......4 chainups.on donner pass all season,,,by now its usually..20-30,,,,not complaining,,,just sayin.lol.bob
  10. oh man,,,nice job,,looks real good,,,,sorry no suggestion for the removal....good luck...bob
  11. your truck is gorgeous,,,,who cares about the steps.lol.bob
  12. death is just moving forward,,,, say good bye to obambi,,,,and hello to the real master,,,,4??? bob
  13. that wrecker doesnt look like any spring chick either....both pretty cool...bob
  14. thier pretty common in california,,,dont see many here,,,although theres is alotta hay farms here...bob
  15. single drives,,,they always look neat and clean,,,lol...if that makes sence...paint looks like hell,,,but water trucks dont see much action...bob
  16. excellent man,,,some shit weather,,,been real lucky here...bob
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